c9845 / licensekeys

Create, manage, and verify software license keys.
MIT License
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Licensekeys is a server for creating, and a package for verifying, keys that authorize use of a software application.


A license key is a securely signed text file containing data that, when validated, allows usage of an application.

At it's core, Licensekeys simply provides an easy method to work with public key authentication. Only the license key server, which stores the private key, can create authentic license keys. The matching public key is included in your software application's code to authenticate a signature generated by the private key.

Table of Contents:

Basic Operation

Licensekeys operates via two connected pieces:

  1. A server for creating and managing license keys that you then distribute.
  2. A golang package that is embedded into your software application to verify a license key.

The server side is very simple; it creates and managing license keys. Licenses are created by gathering and signing data using a private key. The data and signature are stored in a text file which is then distributed to, or with, your software application.

The client golang package is used to verify a license key. Verification is done by comparing a license key file's data and signature against a public key where the public key is the matching pair to the private key used to generate the signature. This package also provides tooling for easily accessing any data stored in the license you may need in your application.

License Key File Example

A license key is a human readable text file with a signature verifying its authenticity.

    LicenseID: 10023
    AppName: Example
    CompanyName: ACME Dynamite
    ContactName: Wyle E Coyote
    PhoneNumber: 123-555-1212
    Email: wyle@example.com
    IssueDate: "2022-05-07"
    IssueTimestamp: 1651958341
    ExpireDate: "2049-09-21"
      CF_String: Hello World!
      Custom Boolean: true
      Custom Field Integer: 5
      Decimal: 5.55



The server can be run by cloning this repo and running go run main.go. You may prefer to build with go build and then run with ./licensekeys. A default configuration file with be created and the database will be deployed upon first run.

To use the client package to verify a license key in your application, run go get github.com/c9845/licensekeys/v2/licensefile@latest in go project's repo. See the client-app.go example in the _example directory at the root of this repo for an idea of how to get started.

Getting Values From A License Key

You can retrieve data from a license key in your software application as needed. For top-level, standard fields, just use f.LicenseID. For accessing custom data in the Extras field, use one of the ExtraAs...() funcs based on the field's value type.

Note that you should only access a license's data after you have verified the license first. You cannot trust the data has not been modified before the license key is verified.

How A License Key File is Created

  1. The data for a license key is gathered.
  2. The data is hashed.
  3. The hash is signed by a private key.
  4. The signature is encoded into a textual format.
  5. The data and signature are written to a file.

How a License Key File is Verified

  1. The license key file is read by your application.
  2. The file's data is parsed and the signature is decoded.
  3. The data is hashed and compared against the decoded signature using a public key; the response tells you if the license key is authentic.
  4. Check if the license is still active (not expired).

Example of Client-Side Validation of License:

Please also see the example in the _example/client-app.go.

//Read the license file.
lic, err := licensefile.Read("/path/to/license.txt", licensefile.FileFormatYAML)
if err != nil {
  //Handle error reading file (file doesn't exist, corrupt, etc.)

//Verify the signature.
err = lic.VerifySignature([]byte(publicKey), licensefile.KeyPairAlgoED25519)
if err == licensefile.ErrBadSignature {
  //Handle invalid license file.
} else if err != nil {
  //Handle other error.

//Make sure license has not expired.
expired, err := lic.Expired()
if err != nil {
  //Handle error.
if expired {
  //Handle expired license

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