ca-lida / Class-Dao-Project

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Class DAO Project - Dauphine 2024 Digital Economics

The DE ClimateDAO project consists in deploying our own ERC standard onto the testnet. This work is realised in a one week period and is executed under the Software Development Life Cycle framework. All students work in the same repository and are divided into 3 groups, the DevOps, Governance, Token teams.

1. Project Description - ClimateDAO

The DAO serves as a governance system for a Model UN focused on Climate Change. Using ERC 777 standard ERC 20 with additional functionalities, it enables token transfer, voting, and delegation. The annual sessions assess climate progress without binding agreements. Participants allocate 100 tokens to vote on proposals. A 24-hour reflection period allows amendments. Approval requires a simple majority. Replicating UN COP, it employs Quadratic voting, which escalates token costs: 1 vote = 1 token, 2 votes = 4 tokens, 3 votes = 9 tokens, incentivizing focus on critical issues. ++ rewards

2. Installation and Execution

Forge is a state-of-the-art package for running tests, wrting codes and debugging it in Solidity environment.

2.1 Download Forge

You can use Forge through a wider tool named Foundry. Here are the steps to install it into your computer. Open your terminal and follow these steps :

Create a new repository named Foundry:

mkdir foundry

Enter into this new repository:

cd foundry

Verify the connectivity of Foundry with our system:

curl -L | bash

Let Bash re-read the file:

source ~/.bashrc 

Install Foundry :


More information about how to install Foundry are available here.

2.2 Make tests with Forge

Here are some examples of how to run tests with Forge :

Run the tests:

forge test

Open a test in the debugger:

forge test --debug testSomething

Generate a gas report:

forge test --gas-report

Only run tests in `test/Contract.t.sol in the BigTest contract that start with testFail:

forge test --match-path test/Contract.t.sol --match-contract BigTest \ --match-test "testFail*"

List tests in desired format

forge test --list
forge test --list --json
forge test --list --json --match-test "testFail*" | tail -n 1 | json_pp

More information on the tests with Foundry are available here

2.3 Summary of tests

While a list of basic tests have been provided for both contract, they do not test all required potential vulnerabilities, hence we do not recommend relying on them.

3. Contract Address

MyToken (MTK): ETHERSCAN TOKEN CONTRACT (WITH 18 DECIMALS) 0x19B46757a8b27BA691e2997b06b2B262cDAA5286


ProposalVoting: 0x2e9B220B4Ad6E1C3584Fc0B2a2e7639446DB8BaA

If you would like to deploy it, you can use the following command

forge create --rpc-url --private-key YOURPRIVATEKEY --etherscan-api-key YOURETHERSCANAPIKEY --verify Token.sol:MyToken 

forge create --rpc-url --private-key YOURPRIVATEKEY --etherscan-api-key YOURETHERSCANAPIKEY --verify Governance.sol:ProposalVoting