cachix / devenv

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rust: framework wrong set #617

Closed shyim closed 1 month ago

shyim commented 11 months ago

Describe the bug When rust enabled the link to Framework of apple is set wrong

To reproduce Build something with rust

  = note: ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F/nix/store/w7l75bv65jhy6yywcj0b2pzzzlldlym1-devenv-profile/Library/Frameworks'


Paste the output of $ devenv version here.

sandydoo commented 11 months ago

@shyim, could you share a minimal repro? I just built the default cargo init project without issues.

shyim commented 11 months ago

It's small but does not work on mac :). As workaround I used rustup and that did fine

sandydoo commented 10 months ago

Ah, I see whats happening! The path to Library/Frameworks has been hardcoded in the language integration, but no frameworks are added by default. The basic example works because it manually adds the Security framework.

pogopaule commented 4 months ago

Here is another workaround:

domenkozar commented 1 month ago

Fixed on master