caeruleusDraconis / world-preview

Apache License 2.0
23 stars 4 forks source link

The PV always is 0 #38

Closed SettingDust closed 5 months ago

SettingDust commented 5 months ago

What happened?

And there is some "block" on the PV map 图片 According to

The PV (peaks and valleys, aka. ridges folded) value is calculated through the formula 1−|(3|weirdness|)−2|

The PV should be $1-|(3|-0.29|)-2| = -0.13$ 图片

Minecraft Version


Modloader (Fabric/Forge)


World-Preview Version


Minecraft Logs

D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\graalvm21-jdk21\current\bin\java.exe -agentlib:jdwp=transport=dt_socket,address=,suspend=y,server=n -Dfabric.dli.config=D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\.gradle\loom-cache\launch.cfg -Dfabric.dli.env=client -Dfabric.dli.main=net.fabricmc.loader.impl.launch.knot.KnotClient -javaagent:D:/Applications/Scoop/apps/gradle/current/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm/1.8.1/bb0e192bd7c2b6b8217440d36e9758e377e450/kotlinx-coroutines-core-jvm-1.8.1.jar -javaagent:D:\Applications\Scoop\apps\idea-ultimate\current\IDE\plugins\java\lib\rt\debugger-agent.jar=file:/C:/Users/WINDOWS/AppData/Local/Temp/capture.props -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stdout.encoding=UTF-8 -Dsun.stderr.encoding=UTF-8 @C:\Users\WINDOWS\AppData\Local\Temp\idea_arg_file1631675180 net.fabricmc.devlaunchinjector.Main
已连接到地址为 ''',传输: '套接字'' 的目标虚拟机
[11:56:03] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/GameProvider) Loading Minecraft 1.21 with Fabric Loader 0.15.11
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader) Loading 65 mods:
    - data-generator 0.0.0
    - distanthorizons 2.1.2-a
    - fabric-api 0.100.1+1.21
    - fabric-api-base 0.4.42+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-api-lookup-api-v1 1.6.65+b559734490
    - fabric-biome-api-v1 13.0.28+6fc22b9990
    - fabric-block-api-v1 1.0.22+0af3f5a790
    - fabric-block-view-api-v2 1.0.10+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1 1.1.52+0af3f5a790
    - fabric-client-tags-api-v1 1.1.15+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-command-api-v1 1.2.48+f71b366f90
    - fabric-command-api-v2 2.2.27+6a6dfa1990
    - fabric-commands-v0 0.2.65+df3654b390
    - fabric-content-registries-v0 8.0.11+b559734490
    - fabric-convention-tags-v1 2.0.12+7f945d5b90
    - fabric-convention-tags-v2 2.2.1+d153f34490
    - fabric-crash-report-info-v1 0.2.29+0af3f5a790
    - fabric-data-attachment-api-v1 1.1.22+6a6dfa1990
    - fabric-data-generation-api-v1 20.2.6+16c4ae2590
    - fabric-dimensions-v1 4.0.0+6fc22b9990
    - fabric-entity-events-v1 1.6.12+6fc22b9990
    - fabric-events-interaction-v0 0.7.10+e633f88390
    - fabric-game-rule-api-v1 1.0.52+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-gametest-api-v1 2.0.0+6fc22b9990
    - fabric-item-api-v1 11.0.0+afdfc92190
    - fabric-item-group-api-v1 4.1.0+00ab0a6390
    - fabric-key-binding-api-v1 1.0.47+0af3f5a790
    - fabric-keybindings-v0 0.2.45+df3654b390
    - fabric-language-kotlin 1.11.0+kotlin.2.0.0
    - fabric-lifecycle-events-v1 2.3.9+98a7dbbb90
    - fabric-loot-api-v2 3.0.9+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-message-api-v1 6.0.13+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-model-loading-api-v1 2.0.0+fe474d6b90
    - fabric-networking-api-v1 4.1.0+686dcdce90
    - fabric-object-builder-api-v1 15.1.10+d132107690
    - fabric-particles-v1 4.0.2+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-recipe-api-v1 5.0.8+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-registry-sync-v0 5.0.21+b9828ba390
    - fabric-renderer-api-v1 3.2.16+fe474d6b90
    - fabric-renderer-indigo 1.6.3+cc9f121a90
    - fabric-renderer-registries-v1 3.2.66+df3654b390
    - fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1 0.3.48+73761d2e90
    - fabric-rendering-fluids-v1 3.1.6+b559734490
    - fabric-rendering-v0 1.1.69+df3654b390
    - fabric-rendering-v1 5.0.3+d132107690
    - fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1 4.2.1+d153f34490
    - fabric-resource-loader-v0 1.1.3+b559734490
    - fabric-screen-api-v1 2.0.24+b559734490
    - fabric-screen-handler-api-v1 1.3.78+b559734490
    - fabric-sound-api-v1 1.0.23+6573ed8c90
    - fabric-transfer-api-v1 5.1.12+b559734490
    - fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1 6.0.12+6573ed8c90
    - fabricloader 0.15.11
    - indium 1.0.33+mc1.21
    - io_github_douira_glsl-transformer 2.0.1
    - iris 1.7.1+mc1.21
    - java 21
    - minecraft 1.21
    - mixinextras 0.3.5
    - modernfix 5.18.3+mc1.21
    - org_anarres_jcpp 1.4.14
    - org_antlr_antlr4-runtime 4.13.1
    - sodium 0.5.9+mc1.21
    - world_preview 1.3.0
    - worldgendevtools 1.1.0+1.21
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) SpongePowered MIXIN Subsystem Version=0.8.5 Source=file:/D:/Applications/Scoop/apps/gradle/current/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/net.fabricmc/sponge-mixin/0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5/9527e6b0d2449408958fd1302594dc65ec5ade9c/sponge-mixin-0.13.3+mixin.0.8.5.jar Service=Knot/Fabric Env=CLIENT
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Loaded Fabric development mappings for mixin remapper!
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Compatibility level set to JAVA_17
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/Mixin) Compatibility level set to JAVA_21
[11:56:04] [main/WARN] (ModernFixConfig) We are in a non-Mojmap dev environment. Disabling blockstate cache patch
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (ModernFix) Loaded configuration file for ModernFix 5.18.3+mc1.21: 56 options available, 1 override(s) found
[11:56:04] [main/WARN] (ModernFix) Option 'mixin.perf.reduce_blockstate_cache_rebuilds' overriden (by mods [[not mojmap]]) to 'false'
[11:56:04] [main/INFO] (ModernFix) Applying Nashorn fix
[11:56:05] [main/INFO] (Sodium) Loaded configuration file for Sodium: 42 options available, 3 override(s) found
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.CuboidMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.ModelPartMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.cull.EntityRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.entity.shadows.EntityRenderDispatcherMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.entity' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin 'features.render.gui.font.GlyphRendererMixin' as rule 'mixin.features.render.gui.font' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/WARN] (Sodium) Force-disabling mixin '' as rule '' (added by mods [iris]) disables it and children
[11:56:05] [main/INFO] (Sodium-GraphicsAdapterProbe) Searching for graphics cards...
[11:56:06] [main/INFO] (Sodium-GraphicsAdapterProbe) Found graphics adapter: AdapterInfo{vendor=NVIDIA, description='NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060', adapterType=0x0000030B, openglIcdFilePath='C:\Windows\System32\DriverStore\FileRepository\nv_dispi.inf_amd64_618b150331c5f4ad\nvoglv64.dll', openglIcdVersion=}
[11:56:06] [main/WARN] (Sodium-Workarounds) Sodium has applied one or more workarounds to prevent crashes or other issues on your system: [NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS]
[11:56:06] [main/WARN] (Sodium-Workarounds) This is not necessarily an issue, but it may result in certain features or optimizations being disabled. You can sometimes fix these issues by upgrading your graphics driver.
[11:56:06] [main/INFO] (FabricLoader/MixinExtras|Service) Initializing MixinExtras via com.llamalad7.mixinextras.service.MixinExtrasServiceImpl(version=0.3.5).
[11:56:07] [Datafixer Bootstrap/INFO] (Minecraft) 226 Datafixer optimizations took 348 milliseconds
[11:56:12] [main/INFO] (Minecraft) Vanilla bootstrap took 4469 milliseconds
[11:56:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Environment: Environment[sessionHost=, servicesHost=, name=PROD]
[11:56:12] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Setting user: Player108
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Loading config file: D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\run\config\world_preview\config.json
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) Initializing Distant Horizons
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-Initializer) Java.awt.headless set to true. Distant Horizons can correctly display error and info dialog windows.
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) Distant Horizons, Version: 2.1.2-a
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) DH Branch: main
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) DH Commit: 095fff96ff360513ae486764ec5942f778b50300
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) DH Jar Build Source: User
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricClientProxy) Registering Fabric Client Events
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (FabricServerProxy) Registering Fabric Server Events
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-ModAccessorInjector) Registered mod compatibility accessor for: [Sodium-Fabric].
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-ModAccessorInjector) Registered mod compatibility accessor for: [iris].
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) Distant Horizons Initialized
[11:56:13] [Render thread/INFO] (ConfigBase, distanthorizons) Initialising config for DistantHorizons
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (ConfigBase, distanthorizons) Config for DistantHorizons initialised
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (Indigo) [Indigo] Different rendering plugin detected; not applying Indigo.
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Queuing DH event binding...
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) DH Ready, binding Iris event handlers...
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) DH Iris events bound.
[11:56:14] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Pack distanthorizons declared support for versions [16, 90000] but declared main format is 7, defaulting to 7
[11:56:14] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Backend library: LWJGL version 3.3.3-snapshot
[11:56:14] [Render thread/WARN] (Sodium-NvidiaWorkarounds) Applying workaround: Prevent the NVIDIA OpenGL driver from using broken optimizations (NVIDIA_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS)
[11:56:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Debug functionality is disabled.
[11:56:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) ARB_direct_state_access detected, enabling DSA.
[11:56:15] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Shaders are disabled because enableShaders is set to false in
[11:56:15] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Pack distanthorizons declared support for versions [16, 90000] but declared main format is 7, defaulting to 7
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Hardware information:
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) CPU: 16x 13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-13490F
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060/PCIe/SSE2 (Supports OpenGL 3.2.0 NVIDIA 551.76)
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) OS: Windows 10 (10.0)
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GameRenderer) Starting up renderer (fabric)
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientApi) Renderer starting up.
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GLProxy) Creating GLProxy... If this is the last message you see there must have been an OpenGL error.
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GLProxy) Lod Render OpenGL version [3.2.0 NVIDIA 551.76].
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GLProxy) minecraftGlCapabilities:
Your OpenGL support:
openGL version 3.2+: [true] <- REQUIRED
Vertex Attribute Buffer Binding: [true] <- optional improvement
Buffer Storage: [true] <- optional improvement

[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GLProxy) GPU Vendor [NVIDIA CORPORATION], Preferred upload method is [BUFFER_STORAGE].
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (GLProxy) GLProxy creation successful. OpenGL smiles upon you this day.
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (LodWorldGen) DH TerraFirmaCraft detection: false
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (ModernFix) Invalidating pack caches
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla, fabric, distanthorizons, fabric-api, fabric-api-base, fabric-api-lookup-api-v1, fabric-biome-api-v1, fabric-block-api-v1, fabric-block-view-api-v2, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1, fabric-client-tags-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v2, fabric-commands-v0, fabric-content-registries-v0, fabric-convention-tags-v1, fabric-convention-tags-v2, fabric-crash-report-info-v1, fabric-data-attachment-api-v1, fabric-data-generation-api-v1, fabric-dimensions-v1, fabric-entity-events-v1, fabric-events-interaction-v0, fabric-game-rule-api-v1, fabric-gametest-api-v1, fabric-item-api-v1, fabric-item-group-api-v1, fabric-key-binding-api-v1, fabric-keybindings-v0, fabric-language-kotlin, fabric-lifecycle-events-v1, fabric-loot-api-v2, fabric-message-api-v1, fabric-model-loading-api-v1, fabric-networking-api-v1, fabric-object-builder-api-v1, fabric-particles-v1, fabric-recipe-api-v1, fabric-registry-sync-v0, fabric-renderer-api-v1, fabric-renderer-indigo, fabric-renderer-registries-v1, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1, fabric-rendering-v0, fabric-rendering-v1, fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1, fabric-resource-loader-v0, fabric-screen-api-v1, fabric-screen-handler-api-v1, fabric-sound-api-v1, fabric-transfer-api-v1, fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1, fabricloader, indium, iris, modernfix, sodium, world_preview, worldgendevtools
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) Post-Initializing Mod
[11:56:16] [Render thread/INFO] (DistantHorizons-AbstractModInitializer) Mod Post-Initialized
[11:56:16] [Worker-ResourceReload-12/INFO] (Minecraft) Found unifont_all_no_pua-15.1.05.hex, loading
[11:56:16] [Worker-ResourceReload-14/INFO] (Minecraft) Found unifont_jp_patch-15.1.05.hex, loading
[11:56:17] [DH-ApplyConfigPresetTimer/INFO] (AbstractPresetConfigEventHandler) changing preset to: HIGH
[11:56:17] [DH-ApplyConfigPresetTimer/INFO] (AbstractPresetConfigEventHandler) preset active: HIGH
[11:56:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event:
[11:56:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Sound engine started
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 128x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 64x64x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/map_decorations.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/gui.png-atlas
[11:56:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (GameRenderer) Shutting down renderer (fabric)
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientApi) Renderer shutting down.
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (GameRenderer) Starting up renderer (fabric)
[11:56:17] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientApi) Renderer starting up.
[11:56:18] [Render thread/INFO] (Iris) Creating pipeline for dimension minecraft:overworld
[11:56:18] [ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-1/WARN] (Iris) [Iris Update Check] This version doesn't have an update index, skipping.
[11:56:20] [Render thread/WARN] (ModernFix) Game took 17.475 seconds to start
[11:57:33] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:57:33] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:57:35] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Start generating biome data...
[11:57:35] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:57:35] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:57:35] [pool-6-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:57:35] [pool-6-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:57:35] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 1.294 ms
[11:57:35] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[11:57:36] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [156 ms] 
[11:57:37] [pool-10-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 13186 chunks for generation using 1824 batches [82 ms] 
[11:58:05] [pool-4-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:58:05] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:58:06] [pool-11-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:58:06] [pool-11-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:58:06] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 431.1 μs
[11:58:06] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[11:58:06] [pool-15-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 49496 chunks for generation using 4309 batches [79 ms] 
[11:58:26] [pool-4-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:58:26] [pool-4-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:58:26] [pool-16-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[11:58:26] [pool-16-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[11:58:26] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 318.6 μs
[11:58:26] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[11:58:26] [pool-20-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 49496 chunks for generation using 4309 batches [31 ms] 
[11:59:49] [pool-20-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 7528 chunks for generation using 977 batches [7 ms] 
[11:59:49] [pool-20-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 0 chunks for generation using 0 batches [10 ms] 
[12:00:22] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:00:22] [pool-4-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:00:22] [pool-21-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:00:22] [pool-21-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:00:22] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 193.7 μs
[12:00:22] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:00:22] [pool-25-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 49496 chunks for generation using 4309 batches [15 ms] 
[12:01:11] [pool-4-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:01:11] [pool-4-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:01:11] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Saving config file: D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\run\config\world_preview\config.json
[12:01:11] [pool-26-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:01:11] [pool-26-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:01:11] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 206.6 μs
[12:01:11] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:01:16] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Pack distanthorizons declared support for versions [16, 90000] but declared main format is 7, defaulting to 7
[12:01:16] [Render thread/INFO] (ModernFix) Invalidating pack caches
[12:01:16] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Reloading ResourceManager: vanilla, fabric, distanthorizons, fabric-api, fabric-api-base, fabric-api-lookup-api-v1, fabric-biome-api-v1, fabric-block-api-v1, fabric-block-view-api-v2, fabric-blockrenderlayer-v1, fabric-client-tags-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v1, fabric-command-api-v2, fabric-commands-v0, fabric-content-registries-v0, fabric-convention-tags-v1, fabric-convention-tags-v2, fabric-crash-report-info-v1, fabric-data-attachment-api-v1, fabric-data-generation-api-v1, fabric-dimensions-v1, fabric-entity-events-v1, fabric-events-interaction-v0, fabric-game-rule-api-v1, fabric-gametest-api-v1, fabric-item-api-v1, fabric-item-group-api-v1, fabric-key-binding-api-v1, fabric-keybindings-v0, fabric-language-kotlin, fabric-lifecycle-events-v1, fabric-loot-api-v2, fabric-message-api-v1, fabric-model-loading-api-v1, fabric-networking-api-v1, fabric-object-builder-api-v1, fabric-particles-v1, fabric-recipe-api-v1, fabric-registry-sync-v0, fabric-renderer-api-v1, fabric-renderer-indigo, fabric-renderer-registries-v1, fabric-rendering-data-attachment-v1, fabric-rendering-fluids-v1, fabric-rendering-v0, fabric-rendering-v1, fabric-resource-conditions-api-v1, fabric-resource-loader-v0, fabric-screen-api-v1, fabric-screen-handler-api-v1, fabric-sound-api-v1, fabric-transfer-api-v1, fabric-transitive-access-wideners-v1, fabricloader, indium, iris, modernfix, sodium, world_preview, worldgendevtools
[12:01:16] [Worker-ResourceReload-4/INFO] (Minecraft) Found unifont_all_no_pua-15.1.05.hex, loading
[12:01:16] [Worker-ResourceReload-17/INFO] (Minecraft) Found unifont_jp_patch-15.1.05.hex, loading
[12:01:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event:
[12:01:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Missing sound for event: minecraft:entity.goat.screaming.horn_break
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) OpenAL initialized on device OpenAL Soft on VoiceMeeter Input (VB-Audio VoiceMeeter VAIO)
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Sound engine started
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/blocks.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/signs.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/banner_patterns.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x512x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shield_patterns.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x1024x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/armor_trims.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/chest.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 128x64x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/decorated_pot.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/shulker_boxes.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x4 minecraft:textures/atlas/beds.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/particles.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 512x256x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/paintings.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 256x128x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/mob_effects.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 64x64x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/map_decorations.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Created: 1024x512x0 minecraft:textures/atlas/gui.png-atlas
[12:01:17] [Render thread/WARN] (Minecraft) Shader rendertype_entity_translucent_emissive could not find sampler named Sampler2 in the specified shader program.
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (GameRenderer) Shutting down renderer (fabric)
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientApi) Renderer shutting down.
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (GameRenderer) Starting up renderer (fabric)
[12:01:17] [Render thread/INFO] (ClientApi) Renderer starting up.
[12:01:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:01:21] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:01:21] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Start generating biome data...
[12:01:21] [pool-30-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [16 ms] 
[12:01:22] [pool-31-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:01:22] [pool-31-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:01:22] [pool-33-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:01:22] [pool-33-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:01:22] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 152.7 μs
[12:01:22] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:01:23] [pool-37-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [20 ms] 
[12:01:23] [pool-37-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 200 chunks for generation using 200 batches [20 ms] 
[12:02:50] [pool-37-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 0 chunks for generation using 0 batches [2 ms] 
[12:02:50] [pool-37-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 0 chunks for generation using 0 batches [3 ms] 
[12:02:50] [pool-37-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 0 chunks for generation using 0 batches [3 ms] 
[12:03:10] [pool-31-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:03:10] [pool-31-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:03:10] [pool-38-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:03:10] [pool-38-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:03:10] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 116.0 μs
[12:03:10] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:03:10] [pool-42-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 49496 chunks for generation using 4309 batches [14 ms] 
[12:03:14] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Saving config file: D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\run\config\world_preview\config.json
[12:04:19] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:19] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:20] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Start generating biome data...
[12:04:20] [pool-43-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:20] [pool-43-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:20] [pool-45-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:20] [pool-45-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:20] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 109.8 μs
[12:04:20] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:04:20] [pool-49-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [15 ms] 
[12:04:22] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Saving config file: D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\run\config\world_preview\config.json
[12:04:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:26] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:26] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Start generating biome data...
[12:04:26] [pool-50-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:26] [pool-50-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:27] [pool-52-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:27] [pool-52-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:04:27] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 110.4 μs
[12:04:27] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:04:27] [pool-56-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [12 ms] 
[12:04:29] [pool-56-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 200 chunks for generation using 200 batches [12 ms] 
[12:04:56] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Saving config file: D:\Projects\Minecraft\TheAbyss\run\config\world_preview\config.json
[12:04:59] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:04:59] [Render thread/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:05:00] [Render thread/INFO] (world_preview) Start generating biome data...
[12:05:00] [pool-57-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:05:00] [pool-57-thread-2/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:05:01] [pool-59-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1290 recipes
[12:05:01] [pool-59-thread-1/INFO] (Minecraft) Loaded 1399 advancements
[12:05:01] [Render thread/INFO] (BiomeModificationImpl) Applied 0 biome modifications to 0 of 64 new biomes in 134.4 μs
[12:05:01] [Render thread/INFO] (AbstractDhWorld) Started DhWorld of type Client_Server
[12:05:01] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 57024 chunks for generation using 4609 batches [14 ms] 
[12:05:02] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 200 chunks for generation using 200 batches [36 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 170 chunks for generation using 170 batches [17 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 0 chunks for generation using 0 batches [19 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 664 chunks for generation using 250 batches [13 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 2478 chunks for generation using 310 batches [40 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 9370 chunks for generation using 1351 batches [6 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 10498 chunks for generation using 1483 batches [6 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 11622 chunks for generation using 1624 batches [7 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 12871 chunks for generation using 1793 batches [11 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 13816 chunks for generation using 1903 batches [7 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 14513 chunks for generation using 1991 batches [7 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 15168 chunks for generation using 2082 batches [7 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 15629 chunks for generation using 2117 batches [8 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 15643 chunks for generation using 2136 batches [8 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 15513 chunks for generation using 2120 batches [8 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 15011 chunks for generation using 2067 batches [8 ms] 
[12:05:06] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 14478 chunks for generation using 2000 batches [8 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 14010 chunks for generation using 1942 batches [12 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 10832 chunks for generation using 1544 batches [6 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 217 chunks for generation using 217 batches [14 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 98 chunks for generation using 13 batches [40 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 768 chunks for generation using 266 batches [19 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 378 chunks for generation using 48 batches [37 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 870 chunks for generation using 283 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 296 chunks for generation using 38 batches [39 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 865 chunks for generation using 275 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1434 chunks for generation using 180 batches [40 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 3428 chunks for generation using 597 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 2570 chunks for generation using 490 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1614 chunks for generation using 353 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 684 chunks for generation using 254 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 93 chunks for generation using 12 batches [31 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1599 chunks for generation using 355 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:07] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1911 chunks for generation using 420 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1866 chunks for generation using 414 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1853 chunks for generation using 412 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1528 chunks for generation using 372 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 885 chunks for generation using 291 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 328 chunks for generation using 42 batches [39 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 490 chunks for generation using 218 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 212 chunks for generation using 192 batches [14 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 409 chunks for generation using 52 batches [41 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 6094 chunks for generation using 941 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 7080 chunks for generation using 1074 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 7318 chunks for generation using 1096 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 6978 chunks for generation using 1064 batches [6 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 6856 chunks for generation using 1048 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 6031 chunks for generation using 936 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:08] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 261 chunks for generation using 214 batches [16 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 177 chunks for generation using 177 batches [15 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 9 chunks for generation using 2 batches [30 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 281 chunks for generation using 199 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 56 chunks for generation using 8 batches [28 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 350 chunks for generation using 184 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 342 chunks for generation using 43 batches [27 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 2056 chunks for generation using 419 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1881 chunks for generation using 406 batches [5 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 1489 chunks for generation using 349 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:12] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 980 chunks for generation using 285 batches [4 ms] 
[12:05:13] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 345 chunks for generation using 44 batches [43 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:13] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 796 chunks for generation using 267 batches [3 ms] 
[12:05:13] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 72 chunks for generation using 10 batches [35 ms] {early abort}
[12:05:13] [pool-63-thread-1/INFO] (world_preview) Queued 385 chunks for generation using 225 batches [3 ms] 

Additional Information

No response

SettingDust commented 5 months ago

It's fine after set the Y=64. MB