caiyinqiong / Semantic-Retrieval-Models

A curated list of awesome papers for Semantic Retrieval (TOIS Accepted: Semantic Models for the First-stage Retrieval: A Comprehensive Review).
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ToUpdate #4

Closed caiyinqiong closed 1 year ago

caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago


  1. Large Dual Encoders Are Generalizable Retrievers(Ni et al., 2021, arXiv, DTR)change to EMNLP2022
  2. GPL: Generative pseudo labeling for unsupervised domain adaptation of dense retrieval. change to NAACL2022
  3. LaPraDoR: Unsupervised pretrained dense retriever for zero-shot text retrieval. (ACL2022)
  4. A thorough examination on zero-shot dense retrieval(2022)
  5. Low-resource dense retrieval for opendomain question answering: A comprehensive survey(2022)
  6. Challenges in generalization in open domain question answering(NAACL2022)
caiyinqiong commented 1 year ago


  1. Towards robust dense retrieval via local ranking alignment(IJCAI 2022)
  2. Dealing with typos for bert-based passage retrieval and ranking(EMNLP2021)
  3. Evaluating the robustness of retrieval pipelines with query variation generators(ECIR2022)
  4. Analysing the robustness of dual encoders for dense retrieval against misspellings(SIGIR2022)
  5. Characterbert and self-teaching for improving the robustness of dense retrievers on queries with typos(SIGIR2022)
  6. BERT rankers are brittle: A study using adversarial document perturbations(ICTIR2022)
  7. Order-disorder: Imitation adversarial attacks for blackbox neural ranking models(2022)