calabash / calabash-ios

Calabash for iOS
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Touch not working on _UIAlertControllerActionView #1288

Closed dasarijit95 closed 7 years ago

dasarijit95 commented 7 years ago

I can issue a touch from the calabash console, but this step always fails when used as a part of scenario, with the following "INFO: Embed is not available in this context. Will not embed."

Step definition:

Then(/^I wait for the alert to show up and tap Virtual Agent$/) do
  wait_for_elements_exist(["view:'_UIAlertControllerActionView' marked:'Virtual Agent'"], :timeout => Integer(5)) 
  touch("view:'_UIAlertControllerActionView' marked:'Virtual Agent'") 

My setup:

$ xcode-select --print-path

$ xcodebuild -version
Xcode 8.2.1
Build version 8C1002

$ calabash-ios version

$ curl
   "device_name":"Rohini’s iPhone",
   "form_factor":"iphone 4in",
jmoody commented 7 years ago

Try using wait_for_none_animating before the touch.

dasarijit95 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your quick response. This works fine locally and on test cloud. I wonder why checking for existence is not enough in this case.

jmoody commented 7 years ago

Alerts are animated on. If a gesture happens during the animation, it is ignored.

It is common that elements are visible before animations are complete.