calasanmarko / TurboMac

Stops CPU throttling on Intel-based Macs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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issues running turbomac on opencore-patched 2012 macbook pro #19

Open samallman87 opened 5 months ago

samallman87 commented 5 months ago

2012 13" macbook pro (9,2) 2.5 GHz Dual-Core Intel Core i5 Intel HD Graphics 4000 1536 MB 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 macOS ventura 13.6.1 battery completely removed

SIP and authenticated root both confirmed disabled via csrutil status, after granting execution privileges to the installer and then running it, it makes its way through the majority of the script and then at the end it returns:

Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil load --bundle-path /Library/Extensions/TurboMac.kext
Unknown option '-c'

Installation complete. Approve the extension if a prompt appears, and reboot your Mac.

however no prompt to approve an extension appears. when running "kextstat | grep TurboMac" the terminal returns

Executing: /usr/bin/kmutil showloaded
No variant specified, falling back to release
  190    0 0xffffff7f97399000 0xff7      0xff7      calasanmarko.TurboMac (1.0.0d1) 
D364749F-2160-3AE7-8381-7E3CBCF40418 <6 3>

running "sudo powermetrics" returns

**** Processor usage ****

Intel energy model derived package power (CPUs+GT+SA): 4.19W

System Average frequency as fraction of nominal: 47.89% (1197.28 Mhz)
Package 0 C-state residency: 27.68% (C2: 0.94% C3: 0.00% C6: 0.04% C7: 26.70% )

which shows that the cpu is still throttled to 1.2 ghz. any idea what's going wrong here? are there any special instructions for a system that's already been patched by opencore legacy patcher? this model macbook pro only natively supports up to catalina so ive used opencore legacy patcher to be able to run ventura. i know that this applies some patches to the GPU so im unsure if this somehow interferes with changes applied by TurboMac. if you need any more info from me please let me know

rfourneret commented 5 months ago

Try to :

I had similar issue installing with open core patched imac i think it is due to the afps snapshot being already mounted (busy) by the open core patcher last operation (i installed turbomac after the post install patch before rebooting and this probably created the problems)

bootlegseahorse commented 2 days ago

Have you tried putting the kext directly in the OpenCore EFI folder?