calico-crusade / palringoapi-ts

TypeScript/JavaScript PalringoAPI
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Palringo Type Script API

An api for typescript and nodejs that allows for connecting to and messaging on's connection.

Type Script Usage

Install the package from npm

npm i palringo-ts -d

Reference the api in your application

import { PalBot, Plugin, PalringoClient, ExtendedMessage } from 'palringo-ts';

class SomeClass {
    bot: PalringoClient;

    start() { = PalBot(); = (user) => console.log('User logged in: ', user.nickname); = (reason) => console.log('Login Failed: ', reason);'email', 'password');

new SomeClass().start();

NodeJS Usage

Install the package from npm

npm i palringo-ts -d

Reference the api in your application

var pal = require('palringo-ts');

var bot = pal.PalBot();
bot.On.LoginSuccess = function (user) { console.log('User logged in: ', user); };
bot.On.LoginFailed = function (reason) { console.log('Login Failed: ', reason); };
bot.login('email', 'password');

Handling events

All of the events are handled from the Delegates class which is pre-hooked up within the PalringoClient class. The events are as follows:

//when the bot logs in successfully
bot.On.LoginSuccess = function (user) {}
//if the login fails
bot.On.LoginFailed = function (reason) {}
//when the bot sees a group message
bot.On.GroupMessage = function (message) {}
//when the bot sees a private message
bot.On.PrivateMessage = function (message) {}
//when the connection to the server is made
bot.On.Connected = function () {}
//when the connection to the server is disconnected
bot.On.Disconnected = function() {}
//When the bot joins or leaves a group
bot.On.GroupJoined = function(group){}
bot.On.GroupLeft = function (group) {}
//When the bot sees someone leave or join a group
bot.On.GroupUpdate = function(any){}
//When the bot sees an admin action in the group
bot.On.AdminAction = function(action){}


If you want to use the built in plugin handlers, you will need to use TypeScript

Import the Plugin class from the palringo-ts library

Create a plugin with the following:

import { Plugin, PalringoClient, ExtendedMessage } from 'palringo-ts';

class Test {

    static somePlugin(client: PalringoClient, msg: ExtendedMessage) {

        //msg contains information about the message, the user sending it, and possibly the group it was sent in (if it was a group message)
        //client is the bot connection that can be used to reply

        //The following will reply to any person who uses this plugin with 'hello world'
        client.reply(msg, "hello world");

In order to register the plugins with the bot you will need to call the registerPlugins(cmd?: string) method that is on the PalringoClient class