calvinlfer / akka-http-streaming-response-examples

A list of examples that involve streaming with Akka Streams and used together with Akka HTTP
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actors akka-http akka-streams chat-room streaming-json streaming-response websocket-connection

Examples using Akka HTTP with Streaming

A list of examples that involve streaming with Akka Streams and used together with Akka HTTP. The Akka-HTTP specific details are isolated into the following traits:

The initialization logic to start the Akka HTTP server is kept in ServerMain.

Focusing on HTTP Chunked Streaming Routes:

Focusing on the WebSocket Routes:

Chat Room Flow construction Overview

WebSocket Clients connect to the Chat-Room via ws://localhost:9000/ws-chat and a Flow is created. Let's take a look at the inner workings of this Flow:

Note: Websocket clients can be found here: Online WebSocket Tester, Dark WebSocket Client, etc.

Contributions and PRs

Please feel free to send in PRs and contributions and we can review them together and see whether they are small and cohesive enough to fit into the project