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VanJS needs help! #21

Closed Qard closed 5 years ago

Qard commented 5 years ago

@apike is looking for people to help with keeping VanJS running. I’m hoping to arrange a meeting at some point to figure out what we can do to help. If anyone is interested, leave a comment and we can try to arrange a meeting time that will work for everyone.

keywordnew commented 5 years ago

Count me in!

apike commented 5 years ago

Hi friends! I've been more and more focused on managing teams and doing mobile app development, so I'm looking for one or two folks acquainted with meetups and JavaScript to pick up more of the speaker wrangling and logistics for VanJS. Shall we do a Doodle poll to pick a date to chat about this for those who are interested?

daffl commented 5 years ago

I'd be down as well.

Qard commented 5 years ago

I'll be away or busy all of next week, so perhaps we can arrange a time for the week after, when things have settled down after Node+JS Interactive and the Node.js Collaborator Summit?

daffl commented 5 years ago

I'd like to help but will be out of town after the conference until the 21st. Be happy to join after that.

apike commented 5 years ago

Okay cool, here's a Doodle link to see what days work:

apike commented 5 years ago

~It looks like Oct 25 is the first day were we can get 6/7 of the respondents, let's make it then. 🚀~

apike commented 5 years ago

Update: it now looks like everybody can do Nov 1st, including @shmck, @garbles, and @AkimaLunar who are all awesome and interested in helping with the next generation of VanJS. :tada: I've put in a request for 6pm at Shebeen, which if available would give us a relatively quiet place to eat and discuss.

Qard commented 5 years ago

Works for me! 👌

keywordnew commented 5 years ago

Awesome, I'm stoked to sync up with all you community-minded folks in November!

apike commented 5 years ago

Reservation confirmed for 6pm on the 1st at Shebeen. 👍

jagonalez commented 5 years ago

I'd also be interested in helping - @ShMcK and I were discussing this up after a recent ReactVancouver meetup where I was one of the speakers. Do you have room for 1 more?

garbles commented 5 years ago

I can no longer make the 1st so I'm happy to roll with whatever y'all decide is the best path forward.

blairbodnar commented 5 years ago

Hey gang - I'm also interested in helping! I'll swing by this too tonight if you've got room! 😀

apike commented 5 years ago

We have a reso for 7 but if an 8th or 9th drops in I expect they can pull chairs in. 👍

apike commented 5 years ago

For our 6pm kickoff today, I wrote some notes as a rough agenda for tonight. I'm not sure how much of this we'll get through, but I think it highlights some of the key things worth looking at for "open sourcing" VanJS. This was inspired by @ShMcK's initial thoughts he shared over email, which he can hopefully share more of tonight and going forward.

State of VanJS

Potential Future Goals

Organization and Governance


Talk selection and approach


Next Steps

keywordnew commented 5 years ago

Sooo stoked to meet y'all earlier tonight!!! 💯

I'm excited to have sat down with a table of people who care about building healthy tech communities in Vancouver ⚡️💛⚡️

Can't wait to see what comes next, folks! 🚀

AkimaLunar commented 5 years ago

Here is the Spectrum chat for Vanjs:

apike commented 5 years ago

I think this issue was a success – we now have a VanJS repo, Spectrum, and various other open source pieces like a code of conduct, speaking info, speaker issue template, goals, and so on. Thanks for kicking his off everybody, excited to see where you and other community members bring VanJS! 🎉

Qard commented 5 years ago

I think we can close this now. Feel free to reopen if you disagree.