campsych / concerto-platform

Concerto Platform - Open-Source Online Adaptive Testing Platform
Apache License 2.0
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Adding a paragraph to Linear Tests to describe response options #260

Closed zrfrere closed 4 years ago

zrfrere commented 5 years ago

Concerto Platform version


Expected behavior

Being able to add a paragraph to the top of LinearTest to describe all questions on the page similar to the Questionnaire node

Actual behavior

You cannot add a paragraph to describe the options that you wish to choose similar to Questionnaire nodes in the older version of Concerto

Steps to reproduce the issue

An issue is that I cannot have a response option that has no option to click since users must respond to all questions.

przemyslawlis commented 4 years ago

In current Concerto version linearTest and CAT nodes were merged into single assessment node and can do both linear and adaptive test.

This node contains instructions input port that does exactly what you need.