camsong / fetch-jsonp

Make JSONP request like window.fetch
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Multiple Mailchimp JSONP function calls lead to "Unexpected identifier" error #72

Open karlhorky opened 1 month ago

karlhorky commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the library!

With the following JSONP response (script body) from Mailchimp:

jsonp_1720618209454_25752({"result":"error","msg":"Too many subscribe attempts for this email address. Please try again in about 5 minutes. (#6592)"})jsonp_1720618209454_25752({"result":"error","msg":" is an invalid email address and cannot be imported."})

fetch-jsonp times out, with the message (details sanitized):

Error: JSONP request to https://xxx.us20.list- timed out

Looking in the DevTools console, it appears that the problem happened because of the jsonp_1720618209454_25752 following directly after the closing parenthesis:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'jsonp_1720618209454_25752'
karlhorky commented 1 month ago

I think this may be actually 2 bugs though:

  1. fetch-jsonp calls resolve() and removes the script on the first usage of the function
  2. A Mailchimp bug, that they are not including a semicolon between the function calls (or maybe , or || or && instead, if it's supposed to be a JavaScript expression)
karlhorky commented 1 month ago

Looking into JSONP more, it seems like it's pretty standard to have only a single function call.

@camsong So if that's the convention, I'm happy to have this issue closed - because it would be only that Mailchimp is breaking that convention.

karlhorky commented 1 month ago

To work around this issue, we ended up writing our own Next.js Route Handler which passes along the request query parameters and fixes the Mailchimp response (only shows the first error):


import { NextRequest, NextResponse } from 'next/server';

type MailchimpSubscriptionsResponseBodyGet = string;

// Fix broken Mailchimp JSONP responses (double function calls)
export async function GET(
  request: NextRequest,
): Promise<NextResponse<MailchimpSubscriptionsResponseBodyGet>> {
  const url = new URL(request.url);

  url.hostname = '';
  url.pathname = '/subscribe/post-json';
  url.port = '';

  const searchParams = request.nextUrl.searchParams;
  const callbackFunctionName = searchParams.get('c');

  try {
    const response = await fetch(url.toString());

    if (!response.ok) {
      return new NextResponse(
        `${callbackFunctionName}({"result":"error","msg":"Invalid response status"})`,

    const textResponse = await response.text();

    const firstJsonpFunctionCall = textResponse.match(
      new RegExp(`^${callbackFunctionName}\\(\\{[^}]+\\}\\)`),

    if (!firstJsonpFunctionCall) {
      return new NextResponse(
        `${callbackFunctionName}({"result":"error","msg":"Invalid response format"})`,

    return new NextResponse(firstJsonpFunctionCall[0], {
      headers: {
        'Content-Type': 'application/javascript',
  } catch (error) {
    return new NextResponse(
      `${callbackFunctionName}({"result":"error","msg":"${(error as Error).message}"})`,

Then just change your call to fetchJsonp() to use the new Route Handler instead of Mailchimp directly:

const response = await fetchJsonp(
-  `;id=xxx&${new URLSearchParams({ EMAIL: email }).toString()}`,
+  `/api/mailchimp-subscriptions?u=xxx&amp;id=xxx&${new URLSearchParams({ EMAIL: email }).toString()}`,
    jsonpCallback: 'c',