camspiers / snap

A fast finder system for neovim.
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Empty results list with repopulated grep using fzy #68

Open gegoune opened 3 years ago

gegoune commented 3 years ago


local rg_args = { "--smart-case", "--hidden", "--iglob", "!.git/*" }

local params = {
  reverse = true,
  consumer = "fzy",
  preview = false,
  [ some other options removed for visibility ]

snap.maps {
    vimgrep {
      args = rg_args,
      prompt = "Grep",
      producer = snap.get("producer.ripgrep.vimgrep").line {},
  -- FIX: empty on initial invocation
    vimgrep {
      args = rg_args,
      prompt = "Grep",
      filter_with = "cword",
      producer = snap.get("producer.ripgrep.vimgrep").line {},
  -- FIX: empty on initial invocation
    vimgrep {
      args = rg_args,
      prompt = "Grep",
      filter_with = "selection",
      producer = snap.get("producer.ripgrep.vimgrep").line {},
    { modes = { "x" } },



Let's say I either had word snap selected in visual mode or cursor over it and pressed | - Ill get empty results list - but then if I hit backspace to remove p and reinsert p again I do get results.


get results straight away without having to change search string.

This is not the case with fzf consumer.