camunda / feel-scala

FEEL parser and interpreter written in Scala
Apache License 2.0
119 stars 46 forks source link

Add function to parse an escaped JSON string #825

Open skayliu opened 2 months ago

skayliu commented 2 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. When use the REST connector to call a service, i got the response like below. Now i need to extract the taskTodoList into an array to the result expression.

    "status": 200,
    "headers": {
        "date": "Fri, 12 Apr 2024 01:29:49 GMT",
        "server": "nginx",
        "transfer-encoding": "chunked",
        "x-content-type-options": "nosniff",
        "x-xss-protection": "1; mode=block",
        "x-frame-options": "SAMEORIGIN",
        "content-type": "application/json;charset=utf-8",
        "connection": "keep-alive",
        "strict-transport-security": "max-age=172800; includeSubDomains"
    "body": {
        "RESPONSE": {
            "RETURN_CODE": "S",
            "RETURN_DATA": "{\"taskTodoList\":[{\"activityDefId\":\"obj_ca954d098ba000018cd81cfdc2602910\",\"activityDefName\":\"startTask\",\"activityModelExt\":{\"customUniqueId\":\"\",\"extendProperty\":\"\",\"id\":\"obj_ca954d098ba000018cd81cfdc2602910\",\"name\":\"startTask\",\"no\":1,\"sequential\":-1},\"activityType\":\"userTask\",\"async\":false,\"beginEngineNode\":\"2406:440:600::16e0:10018\",\"beginTime\":1712885389000,\"claimResourceId\":\"\",\"claimType\":0,\"controlState\":\"active\",\"customUniqueId\":\"\",\"delayTimes\":0,\"delegateUser\":\"\",\"dispatchId\":\"4a9cf601-b664-4cda-8581-ead5814ac6a0\",\"eAITask\":false,\"ext1\":\"\",\"ext2\":\"\",\"ext3\":\"\",\"ext4\":\"\",\"ext5\":\"\",\"ext6\":\"\",\"ext7\":0,\"ext8\":0.0,\"historyTask\":false,\"iOBD\":\"\",\"iOC\":\"\",\"iOR\":\"\",\"iOS\":\"\",\"id\":\"2c8eebfa-7f16-4c14-8f70-bd660d65e510\",\"monitor\":false,\"owner\":\"admin\",\"ownerDepartmentId\":\"5bc3a2dc-3bd2-4376-bcc3-5612e28e55fe\",\"ownerName\":\"admin\",\"parentTaskInstId\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\"priority\":1,\"processDefId\":\"obj_1b01dfade2fd4c408f6426ee290743d0\",\"processDefVerId\":\"obj_1b01dfade2fd4c408f6426ee290743d0\",\"processGroupId\":\"obj_f953af04fb5944ca8128e262d363f62c\",\"processInstId\":\"e4710d5c-9078-4a47-8868-4d43805d5d23\",\"readState\":0,\"remindTimes\":0,\"root\":true,\"scopeId\":\"00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000\",\"securityLevel\":0,\"state\":1,\"target\":\"admin\",\"targetCompanyId\":\"8911e732-b42a-4556-853f-ad32761bcbee\",\"targetDepartmentId\":\"5bc3a2dc-3bd2-4376-bcc3-5612e28e55fe\",\"targetName\":\"admin\",\"targetRoleId\":\"d102c89d-55f3-4865-9d5c-c00b7f47b803\",\"targetRoleNo\":\"\",\"taskInfo\":\"\",\"title\":\"Test Zeebe Rest connector\",\"trash\":true}],\"processInstId\":\"e4710d5c-9078-4a47-8868-4d43805d5d23\"}",
            "RETURN_DESC": "sucess",
            "RETURN_STAMP": "2024-04-12 09:29:49:022"

As discuss in the forum: How to get the taskTodoList from the response body Parse a json string to FEEL context

Describe the solution you'd like A new built-in function to handle the JSON string like JSON.parse().

// Function signature
from json(json: string): Any

// Examples
// 1) JSON object to FEEL context
from json("{\"a\": 1, \"b\": 2}")
// {a: 1, b: 2}

// 2) JSON literal to FEEL value
from json("1")
// 1

from json("\"a\"")
// "a"

from json("true")
// true

from json("null")
// null

// 3) JSON array to FEEL list
from json("[1, 2, 3]")
// [1, 2, 3]

// 4) JSON string of a date/time/date-time to FEEL string 
from json("\"2023-06-14\"")
// "2023-06-14" 

from json("\"14:55:00\"")
// "14:55:00" 

from json("\"2023-06-14T14:55:00\"")
// "2023-06-14T14:55:00" 

// 5) JSON string of a duration to FEEL string 
from json("\"P1Y\"")
// "P1Y" 

from json("\"PT2H\"")
// "PT2H" 

// 6) invalid JSON to FEEL null 
from json("invalid")
// null 

Related issues

saig0 commented 2 months ago

@skayliu thank you for raising it. I agree that parsing a JSON string into a FEEL value would be useful. I saw similar requests before. :+1:

I updated the issue description and proposed a new built-in function. Please have a look if the examples match your requirements.

The issue of parsing a JSON string is closely related to the revert function of creating a JSON string from a FEEL value:

skayliu commented 2 months ago

@saig0, which libray would you like to support this feature?

saig0 commented 2 months ago

@skayliu we could implement the JSON parser ourselves, similar to the FEEL parser. There is an example here.

Or, we use Jackson library. We use the library already in Camunda 8.

It could be fun writing the parser ourselves and we don't need a new library for it. If it doesn't work or is too complicated then we should switch to Jackson.

sbuettner commented 1 month ago

For the sake of NIH I would recommend we go with Jackson as its already a proven solution in this space.