Background: We cannot assign issues to anyone within the Canonical organisation who is not a writer in this repo.
After discussion with Ben, as a workaround, we will create issues, assign them to charm-techmembers, and then mention the members from the maintainer team in the issue body/comment.
I could not test this change within my personal organisation, so we will have to merge and see how it works. As some manual test, I copy-pasted some of the code in my local console to see the rendered body, which seems fine:
>>> maintainer="observability"
>>> mention_team_members = ", ".join(["@" + member for member in get_team_members_from_team_slug(maintainer)])
>>> mention_team_members
'@mmkay, @Abuelodelanada, @simskij, @dstathis, @PietroPasotti, @michaeldmitry, @lucabello, @ca-scribner, @IbraAoad, @sed-i, @MichaelThamm'
Background: We cannot assign issues to anyone within the Canonical organisation who is not a writer in this repo.
After discussion with Ben, as a workaround, we will create issues, assign them to
members, and then mention the members from the maintainer team in the issue body/comment.I could not test this change within my personal organisation, so we will have to merge and see how it works. As some manual test, I copy-pasted some of the code in my local console to see the rendered body, which seems fine: