Launchpad user Carbrich(carbrich) wrote on 2020-08-25T17:55:52.328902+00:00
Fore some reason cloud-init failed to install package "SL". It receives a sigterm before trying to install package "SL" This only happens on CentOS 8. For all other packages I have the same issue. If I try to install packages within user-scrips "runcmd" I have the same issue. If I do a sleep or a ping within runcmd, I have the same issue.
If I remove /var/lib/cloud after a failed deployment and reboot the client, everything works fine. If i run the module with python the same way as cloud-init does, it works without exit 1.
It almost looks like some kind of race condition.
I packaged our base image with a daily build of cloud-init, to be sure it is not resolved in a later version of cloud-init. It has been tested with cloud-init 20.2+137.gc0450c02-1 and the behaviour is the same on cloud-init 18.5/19.4.
Our workflow; Image is getting build with packer and installed with all necessary items to run cloud-init.; Image is added to vCenter as a template; Foreman clones VM on vCenter; Machine boots, Vmware does the network configuration as described in cloud-init docs(Cloning on vCenter). Cloud-init installs puppet and registers client to puppet master.; In the background the image is imported in vCloud and more stuff happens for our monitoring etc..; For our CentOS 7 deployment street this workflow is working without any issues.
This bug was originally filed in Launchpad as LP: #1892902
Launchpad details
Launchpad user Carbrich(carbrich) wrote on 2020-08-25T17:55:52.328902+00:00
Fore some reason cloud-init failed to install package "SL". It receives a sigterm before trying to install package "SL" This only happens on CentOS 8. For all other packages I have the same issue. If I try to install packages within user-scrips "runcmd" I have the same issue. If I do a sleep or a ping within runcmd, I have the same issue.
If I remove /var/lib/cloud after a failed deployment and reboot the client, everything works fine. If i run the module with python the same way as cloud-init does, it works without exit 1.
It almost looks like some kind of race condition.
I packaged our base image with a daily build of cloud-init, to be sure it is not resolved in a later version of cloud-init. It has been tested with cloud-init 20.2+137.gc0450c02-1 and the behaviour is the same on cloud-init 18.5/19.4.
Our workflow; Image is getting build with packer and installed with all necessary items to run cloud-init.; Image is added to vCenter as a template; Foreman clones VM on vCenter; Machine boots, Vmware does the network configuration as described in cloud-init docs(Cloning on vCenter). Cloud-init installs puppet and registers client to puppet master.; In the background the image is imported in vCloud and more stuff happens for our monitoring etc..; For our CentOS 7 deployment street this workflow is working without any issues.
For more reading follow the link below, sorry for the mixed up data on the forum. I tried a lot!
I also added cloud-init-1.tar.gz with the logs. The data is anonymized.
Your guys help will be welcome!
PS. Sometimes really sometimes it just works 1 out of 100 or so.
hostname: test05 fqdn: test05 manage_etc_hosts: true users: {} packages:
system_info: distro: rhel paths: cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates ssh_svcname: sshd
network: config: disabled
cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/10_foreman.cfg datasource_list: [NoCloud] datasource: NoCloud: seedfrom: http://foreman/userdata/
This yaml formated config file handles setting
logger information. The values that are necessary to be set
are seen at the bottom. The top '_log' are only used to remove
redundency in a syslog and fallback-to-file case.
The 'log_cfgs' entry defines a list of logger configs
Each entry in the list is tried, and the first one that
works is used. If a log_cfg list entry is an array, it will
be joined with '\n'.
&log_base | [loggers] keys=root,cloudinit
[handlers] keys=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler
[formatters] keys=simpleFormatter,arg0Formatter
[logger_root] level=DEBUG handlers=consoleHandler,cloudLogHandler
[logger_cloudinit] level=DEBUG qualname=cloudinit handlers= propagate=1
[handler_consoleHandler] class=StreamHandler level=WARNING formatter=arg0Formatter args=(sys.stderr,)
[formatter_arg0Formatter] format=%(asctime)s - %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s
[formatter_simpleFormatter] format=[CLOUDINIT] %(filename)s[%(levelname)s]: %(message)s
Array entries in this list will be joined into a string
that defines the configuration.
If you want logs to go to syslog, uncomment the following line.
- [ log_base, log_syslog ]
The default behavior is to just log to a file.
This mechanism that does not depend on a system service to operate.
A file path can also be used.
- /etc/log.conf
This tells cloud-init to redirect its stdout and stderr to
'tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log' so the user can see output
there without needing to look on the console.
output: {all: '| tee -a /var/log/cloud-init-output.log'}