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WD-1297 build new resources page #258

Closed pedoch closed 1 year ago

pedoch commented 1 year ago



Issue / Card

webteam-app commented 1 year ago

Demo starting at

ClementChaumel commented 1 year ago

The alignement seem to be a bit off compared to the designs

Figma : image

The demo: image

content should be aligned with the first item in the navigation. The navigation doesn't seem to be following the grid atm so it might be a bit tricky to do though

@bartaz should we just ignore and wait til the new layout is available?

ClementChaumel commented 1 year ago

image It looks like there is a stray space at the end of links displayed in lists

It should probably be fixed in Vanilla, not here but I thought I'd mention it

If we set the p-inline-list__item display to inline-block it displays correctly


(the links are not underlined by default I just forced it in my screenshots to make it clearer)

edlerd commented 1 year ago

I think we could add an entry to the file to send the old /redirects path to /downloads

bartaz commented 1 year ago

@lyubomir-popov Current downloads page has some files/logos that I don't see on new Resources page, like for example circle of friends (without Ubuntu), or Canonical logo, or different arrangements of logos:


New resources page only seems to list product logos. How do we want to link to other logos? Or don't we want to link to those?

I guess external people may be looking for just circle of friends shape or things like that.

bartaz commented 1 year ago