canonical / kubeflow-volumes-operator

Volumes Operator
Apache License 2.0
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Add logging relation to kubeflow-volumes #139

Closed rgildein closed 4 months ago

rgildein commented 4 months ago

Use LogForwarder from loki_push_api library to forwards all logs from workload container to Loki. This requires to use ops 2.9 or newer, so it was needed to be updated.

fixes: #136

How I tested it:

# deployed the cos following
$ tox -e integration -- --keep-models
$ juju switch test-charm-aosq
$ juju consume u1-k8s:cos.loki-logging 
Added u1-k8s:admin/cos.loki-logging as loki-logging
$ juju integrate grafana-agent-k8s loki-logging
$ kubectl get services -n test-charm-aosq | grep kubeflow-volumes
kubeflow-volumes-endpoints       ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                                  90m
kubeflow-volumes                 ClusterIP    <none>        5000/TCP                                90m 
$ curl

And after checking the Grafana, I was able to see all logs. Screenshot from 2024-07-09 15-28-30