Drive-by: code indentation fixes for the chip variants example, and removal of the set of chips inside a dark strip (we are now capturing examples in all themes anyway, so there is no need for this)
Verify that the default link chip function as link, visually appear as chip, and is keyboard accessible.
Open combined links and verify that hover and active colors are correct. The section with "links" in front is a block of link chips of different styles, check all of these. Also check all of the other chps to ensure they behave correctly in hover and active states.
elementsFixes #5317 , WD-14348
Check if PR is ready for release
If this PR contains Vanilla SCSS code changes, it should contain the following changes to make sure it's ready for the release:
Feature 🎁
,Breaking Change 💣
,Bug 🐛
,Documentation 📝
,Maintenance 🔨
should be updated relative to the most recent release, following semver convention:Screenshots