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False negative - Bacterium Vesicula #4

Open teptec opened 2 years ago

teptec commented 2 years ago

Failed to identify Bacterium Vesicula - Cyan as a potential biological on Eorld Phoe BM-J d10-1 B 4 and I can't immediately see why.


I think this should be the json prior to me scanning the bacterium (I'm assuming the predictions come out of this JSON):

{ "2320505": { "atmosComposition": [ "Argon" ], "atmosphereType": [ "Thin Argon" ], "bodies": [ "High metal content world", "Rocky Ice world", "Icy body", "Rocky body" ], "count": 1376, "fdevname": "$Codex_Ent_Bacterial_05_Antimony_Name;", "histograms": { "atmos_types": { "Thin Argon": 1231 }, "body_types": { "High metal content world": 15, "Icy body": 1103, "Rocky Ice world": 112, "Rocky body": 1 }, "distance": [ { "max": 51838.859314333335, "min": 37.457, "value": 1118 }, { "max": 103640.26162866666, "min": 51838.859314333335, "value": 30 }, { "max": 155441.663943, "min": 103640.26162866666, "value": 23 }, { "max": 207243.06625733332, "min": 155441.663943, "value": 17 }, { "max": 259044.46857166666, "min": 207243.06625733332, "value": 11 }, { "max": 310845.870886, "min": 259044.46857166666, "value": 7 }, { "max": 362647.27320033335, "min": 310845.870886, "value": 5 }, { "max": 414448.6755146666, "min": 362647.2732003333, "value": 10 }, { "max": 466250.07782899996, "min": 414448.67551466665, "value": 2 }, { "max": 518051.4801433333, "min": 466250.077829, "value": 4 }, { "max": 569852.8824576667, "min": 518051.4801433333, "value": 1 }, { "max": 621654.284772, "min": 569852.8824576667, "value": 3 } ], "gravity": [ { "max": 0.06614262771489751, "min": 0.0272568573467931, "value": 259 }, { "max": 0.10502839808300192, "min": 0.06614262771489751, "value": 198 }, { "max": 0.14391416845110633, "min": 0.10502839808300192, "value": 34 }, { "max": 0.18279993881921075, "min": 0.14391416845110633, "value": 17 }, { "max": 0.22168570918731512, "min": 0.18279993881921072, "value": 253 }, { "max": 0.26057147955541954, "min": 0.22168570918731514, "value": 300 }, { "max": 0.29945724992352396, "min": 0.26057147955541954, "value": 109 }, { "max": 0.3383430202916284, "min": 0.29945724992352396, "value": 35 }, { "max": 0.3772287906597328, "min": 0.3383430202916284, "value": 14 }, { "max": 0.4161145610278372, "min": 0.3772287906597328, "value": 8 }, { "max": 0.45500033139594165, "min": 0.4161145610278372, "value": 2 }, { "max": 0.493886101764046, "min": 0.4550003313959416, "value": 2 } ], "local_stars": { "A (Blue-White) Star": 6, "Black Hole": 1, "F (White) Star": 37, "G (White-Yellow) Star": 50, "Herbig Ae/Be Star": 8, "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star": 1, "K (Yellow-Orange) Star": 237, "L (Brown dwarf) Star": 66, "M (Red dwarf) Star": 737, "M (Red giant) Star": 4, "Neutron Star": 6, "T (Brown dwarf) Star": 22, "T Tauri Star": 13, "White Dwarf (DA) Star": 14, "White Dwarf (DB) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DBV) Star": 2, "White Dwarf (DC) Star": 3, "White Dwarf (DCV) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DQ) Star": 2, "Y (Brown dwarf) Star": 15, "null": 5 }, "materials": { "Antimony": 1226, "Arsenic": 219, "Cadmium": 466, "Carbon": 1226, "Chromium": 687, "Germanium": 466, "Iron": 1226, "Manganese": 663, "Mercury": 287, "Molybdenum": 445, "Nickel": 1226, "Niobium": 468, "Phosphorus": 1226, "Selenium": 514, "Sulphur": 1226, "Tin": 417, "Tungsten": 369, "Vanadium": 437, "Zinc": 474, "Zirconium": 218 }, "pressure": [ { "max": 0.009079426751377583, "min": 0.000988586410066617, "value": 680 }, { "max": 0.017170267092688547, "min": 0.009079426751377583, "value": 111 }, { "max": 0.025261107433999515, "min": 0.017170267092688547, "value": 260 }, { "max": 0.033351947775310475, "min": 0.02526110743399951, "value": 112 }, { "max": 0.04144278811662145, "min": 0.03335194777531048, "value": 29 }, { "max": 0.04953362845793242, "min": 0.04144278811662145, "value": 10 }, { "max": 0.05762446879924338, "min": 0.04953362845793241, "value": 8 }, { "max": 0.06571530914055435, "min": 0.05762446879924338, "value": 5 }, { "max": 0.07380614948186531, "min": 0.06571530914055435, "value": 2 }, { "max": 0.08189698982317628, "min": 0.07380614948186531, "value": 8 }, { "max": 0.08998783016448725, "min": 0.08189698982317628, "value": 2 }, { "max": 0.09807867050579822, "min": 0.08998783016448725, "value": 4 } ], "primary_stars": { "A (Blue-White) Star": 20, "Black Hole": 5, "F (White) Star": 59, "G (White-Yellow) Star": 85, "Herbig Ae/Be Star": 18, "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star": 2, "K (Yellow-Orange) Star": 305, "L (Brown dwarf) Star": 11, "M (Red dwarf) Star": 801, "M (Red giant) Star": 3, "Neutron Star": 25, "T Tauri Star": 10, "White Dwarf (DA) Star": 16, "White Dwarf (DB) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DBV) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DC) Star": 4, "White Dwarf (DCV) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DQ) Star": 3, "null": 6 }, "system_bodies": { "A (Blue-White) Star": 20, "Ammonia world": 21, "B (Blue-White) Star": 2, "Black Hole": 5, "Class I gas giant": 667, "Class II gas giant": 160, "Class III gas giant": 221, "Class IV gas giant": 24, "Class V gas giant": 2, "Earth-like world": 28, "F (White) Star": 62, "G (White-Yellow) Star": 89, "Gas giant with ammonia-based life": 105, "Gas giant with water-based life": 154, "Helium-rich gas giant": 2, "Herbig Ae/Be Star": 19, "High metal content world": 775, "Icy body": 1370, "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star": 2, "K (Yellow-Orange) Star": 338, "L (Brown dwarf) Star": 262, "M (Red dwarf) Star": 972, "M (Red giant) Star": 5, "Metal-rich body": 64, "Neutron Star": 27, "Rocky Ice world": 518, "Rocky body": 375, "T (Brown dwarf) Star": 132, "T Tauri Star": 31, "Water giant": 2, "Water world": 143, "White Dwarf (DA) Star": 19, "White Dwarf (DB) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DBV) Star": 3, "White Dwarf (DC) Star": 5, "White Dwarf (DCV) Star": 1, "White Dwarf (DQ) Star": 3, "Y (Brown dwarf) Star": 55, "null": 1 }, "temperature": [ { "max": 65.50548225, "min": 50.21384, "value": 582 }, { "max": 80.7971245, "min": 65.50548225, "value": 209 }, { "max": 96.08876674999999, "min": 80.7971245, "value": 185 }, { "max": 111.38040899999999, "min": 96.08876674999999, "value": 137 }, { "max": 126.67205125, "min": 111.380409, "value": 54 }, { "max": 141.9636935, "min": 126.67205125000001, "value": 40 }, { "max": 157.25533575, "min": 141.9636935, "value": 6 }, { "max": 172.546978, "min": 157.25533575, "value": 4 }, { "max": 187.83862025, "min": 172.546978, "value": 8 }, { "max": 203.13026250000001, "min": 187.83862025000002, "value": 2 }, { "max": 218.42190475, "min": 203.13026250000001, "value": 2 }, { "max": 233.713547, "min": 218.42190475, "value": 2 } ] }, "hud_category": "Biology", "id": "$Codex_Ent_Bacterial_05_Antimony_Name;", "localStars": [ "T (Brown dwarf) Star", "F (White) Star", "G (White-Yellow) Star", "White Dwarf (DC) Star", "L (Brown dwarf) Star", "A (Blue-White) Star", "Y (Brown dwarf) Star", "M (Red giant) Star", "K (Yellow-Orange) Star", "Black Hole", "T Tauri Star", "White Dwarf (DBV) Star", null, "White Dwarf (DQ) Star", "White Dwarf (DA) Star", "Herbig Ae/Be Star", "M (Red dwarf) Star", "White Dwarf (DB) Star", "White Dwarf (DCV) Star", "Neutron Star", "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star" ], "materials": [ "Antimony", "Nickel", "Sulphur", "Phosphorus", "Iron", "Carbon" ], "maxd": 621654.284772, "maxg": 0.493886101764046, "maxp": 0.0980786705057982, "maxt": 233.713547, "mind": 37.457, "ming": 0.0272568573467931, "minp": 0.000988586410066617, "mint": 50.21384, "name": "Bacterium Vesicula - Cyan", "platform": null, "primaryStars": [ "F (White) Star", "G (White-Yellow) Star", "L (Brown dwarf) Star", "White Dwarf (DC) Star", "A (Blue-White) Star", "M (Red giant) Star", "K (Yellow-Orange) Star", "Black Hole", "T Tauri Star", "White Dwarf (DBV) Star", null, "White Dwarf (DQ) Star", "White Dwarf (DA) Star", "Herbig Ae/Be Star", "M (Red dwarf) Star", "White Dwarf (DB) Star", "White Dwarf (DCV) Star", "Neutron Star", "K (Yellow-Orange giant) Star" ], "regions": [ "Inner Orion Spur", "Kepler's Crest", "Acheron", "Ryker's Hope", "Vulcan Gate", "Arcadian Stream", "Mare Somnia", "Achilles's Altar", "Elysian Shore", "Lyra's Song", "Galactic Centre", "Sagittarius-Carina Arm", "Formorian Frontier", "Hawking's Gap", "The Void", "Dryman's Point", "Hieronymus Delta", "Xibalba", "The Formidine Rift", "Outer Arm", "Inner Scutum-Centaurus Arm", "The Conduit", "Errant Marches", "Izanami", "Sanguineous Rim", "Orion-Cygnus Arm", "The Abyss", "Outer Orion-Perseus Conflux", "Outer Orion Spur", "The Veils", "Tenebrae", "Outer Scutum-Centaurus Arm", "Aquila's Halo", "Newton's Vault", "Norma Arm", "Temple", "Odin's Hold", "Inner Orion-Perseus Conflux", "Trojan Belt", "Empyrean Straits", "Norma Expanse", "Perseus Arm" ], "reward": 56100, "solidComposition": [ "Ice", "Metal", "Rock" ], "systemBodyTypes": [], "volcanism": [ "Minor Carbon Dioxide Geysers", "Carbon Dioxide Geysers", "Minor Nitrogen Magma", "Major Water Geysers", "No volcanism" ] } }

teptec commented 2 years ago

Also happened on planet 6 A in:

Seems to be a common problem with Bacterium Vesicula.

teptec commented 2 years ago

Body 3 had no predictions:


teptec commented 2 years ago

This is likely fixed by I'll check next time I'm in the right mode of play.