capacitor-community / bluetooth-le

Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
MIT License
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Can you Please help me Adding Bluetooth Connectivity in my ionic react project. I'm facing the error while scanning the BLE devices. #596

Closed Shruti2906 closed 1 year ago

Shruti2906 commented 1 year ago

Here is my code : // BluetoothService.tsx :

import { BleClient, BleDevice, ScanResult, numberToUUID } from '@capacitor-community/bluetooth-le'; const HEART_RATE_SERVICE = numberToUUID(0x180d);

class BluetoothService { async startScanning(handleDiscovery: (device: ScanResult) => void) { try { await BleClient.initialize(); console.log('bleClient initialized'); await BleClient.requestLEScan({ services: [HEART_RATE_SERVICE],}, (result) => { console.log('startscanning: ',result); handleDiscovery(result); });

} catch (error) {
  console.error('Error scanning for devices:', error);
  throw error;


async stopScanning() { try { await BleClient.stopLEScan(); } catch (error) { console.error('Error stopping scan:', error); throw error; } }

async connectToDevice(deviceId: string) { try { await BleClient.connect(deviceId); } catch (error) { console.error('Error connecting to device:', error); throw error; } }

async disconnectDevice(deviceId: string) { try { await BleClient.disconnect(deviceId ); } catch (error) { console.error('Error disconnecting from device:', error); throw error; } } } export default new BluetoothService();

// BluetoothScanningPage.tsx :

import React, { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { IonPage, IonContent, IonList, IonItem, IonLabel, IonButton, IonAlert } from '@ionic/react'; import BluetoothService from '../../services/BluetoothService'; import { BleDevice, ScanResult } from '@capacitor-community/bluetooth-le'; import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom';

const BluetoothScan: React.FC = () => { const history = useHistory(); const [devices, setDevices] = useState<ScanResult[]>([]); const [showConnectAlert, setShowConnectAlert] = useState(false);

useEffect(() => { const handleDeviceDiscovery = (result: ScanResult) => { console.log(result); setDevices((prevDevices) => [...prevDevices, result]); };


return () => {

}, []);

const handleConnectToDevice = async (device: ScanResult) => { try { await BluetoothService.connectToDevice(""); setShowConnectAlert(true); } catch (error) { console.error('Error connecting to device:', error); } };

return (


{ => ( {device.localName || 'Unnamed'} handleConnectToDevice(device)}>Connect ))}
{ setShowConnectAlert(false); history.push('/home'); }} header="Device Connected" message="The device has been successfully connected." buttons={['OK']} />

); };

export default BluetoothScan;

in brave browser the error in console is : Error scanning for devices: Error: No Bluetooth radio available. at BluetoothLeWeb.unavailable (web-plugin.js:68:16) at BluetoothLeWeb.initialize (web.ts:44:18) at async bleClient.ts:323:7 at async BleClientClass.initialize (bleClient.ts:322:5) at async BluetoothService.startScanning

in edge browser error is : BluetoothService.tsx?t=1699868982228:13 Error scanning for devices: TypeError: navigator.bluetooth.requestLEScan is not a function at BluetoothLeWeb.requestLEScan

mutasimissa commented 1 year ago

The code you provided is not readable, please provide a github gist or a sandbox repository to see and test. Also you can see here a simple (and old ) implementation of the plugin in react

Shruti2906 commented 1 year ago


This is project github repo :

Please feel free to make changes in this repo