Closed ebQWlN5HBDsKVbhnsd5QJMZRshJUyuFm8U3OEwL closed 1 year ago
Added for iconOnly buttons (which is just the icon version only).
Looked into definition tooltips but iOS does not have support for dashed borders and underlines cannot be colored. Seems small and no requests yet. So will skip for now and if a team needs we can draw the line manually.
In the Gray 10 Theme Mobile-Carbon Design System figma file there is a component called Tooltip. Design here:
Icon should be black when the content is open and visible
Icon should be greyed out a bit when content is closed and non visible
we think the icon is rendering blue from the button style which is influencing the icon color. Design is using an icon but library is using a button, a suggestion from on of our devs: if you could make the trigger a slot that may fix the issue
If you have design questions you can slack
If you need any additional information you can slack@kwadwo