My goal is to get the carla spectator per VNC.
So I expand the docker container with a VNC Server, a virtual Framebuffer and a window manager.
VNC: x11vnc
Virtual Framebuffer: xvfb
Window Manager: fluxbox
For test reasons i extended the carla container manual and also started the carla server manual.
My start command in the container was:
./ -carla-server --world-port=22000
This Setup worked fine.
My Problem now is, that i have to use a specific GPU from the server for the docker container.
I have to use --privileged, without it I get an error message by starting the server in my extended container.
(Setup like described above, but without --privileged)
error message:
4.26.2-0+++UE4+Release-4.26 522 0
Disabling core dumps.
sh: 1: xdg-user-dir: not found
LowLevelFatalError [File:Unknown] [Line: 803]
VulkanRHI::vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(Device.GetPhysicalHandle(), Surface, &NumFormats, nullptr) failed, VkResult=-13
at /home/jenkins/UnrealEngine_4.26/Engine/Source/Runtime/VulkanRHI/Private/VulkanSwapChain.cpp:179
with error
Signal 11 caught.
Malloc Size=65538 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=65554
CommonUnixCrashHandler: Signal=11
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=196744
Malloc Size=131160 LargeMemoryPoolOffset=327928
Engine crash handling finished; re-raising signal 11 for the default handler. Good bye.
So my question is their an opportunity, to tell the carla server which gpu it has to use.
Or has someone a solution to start my container without --privileged so i can use NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to set the gpu for the container.
i use the docker version of carla to run it on a remote server.
CARLA version: carlasim/carla:0.9.12 Server: Platform/OS: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS GPUs: 4x Tesla T4
My goal is to get the carla spectator per VNC. So I expand the docker container with a VNC Server, a virtual Framebuffer and a window manager. VNC: x11vnc Virtual Framebuffer: xvfb Window Manager: fluxbox
My docker command was:
For test reasons i extended the carla container manual and also started the carla server manual.
My start command in the container was:
This Setup worked fine.
My Problem now is, that i have to use a specific GPU from the server for the docker container.
I have to use --privileged, without it I get an error message by starting the server in my extended container. (Setup like described above, but without --privileged) error message:
So my question is their an opportunity, to tell the carla server which gpu it has to use. Or has someone a solution to start my container without --privileged so i can use NVIDIA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to set the gpu for the container.