After the migration from UE5.3 to UE5.5. We can notice a performance decrease of the 50% almost. We need to detect bottlenecks and fix those; If we disable rendering parallelization we get almost 5.3 performance back.
On the Unreal\CarlaUnreal\Plugins\Carla\Source\Carla\Sensor\ImageUtil.cpp
FlushRenderingCommands() is called this is a bottleneck according to Unreal Insights
After the migration from UE5.3 to UE5.5. We can notice a performance decrease of the 50% almost. We need to detect bottlenecks and fix those; If we disable rendering parallelization we get almost 5.3 performance back.
On the Unreal\CarlaUnreal\Plugins\Carla\Source\Carla\Sensor\ImageUtil.cpp FlushRenderingCommands() is called this is a bottleneck according to Unreal Insights