carloscuesta / gitmoji

An emoji guide for your commit messages. 😜
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🛟 for fault tolerance related code #1634

Open agea opened 7 months ago

agea commented 7 months ago

Emoji symbol


Emoji code


Emoji description

Code related to fault tolerance

Describe the use case of your emoji

Code used to prevent and manage errors, eg: retrying failed requests, rate limiting, concurrency limiting

Is this use case covered by an existing emoji?

No ❌

Does this emoji fall into the "how" or the "what" category?


using this library is a good example:


cruzdanilo commented 7 months ago

i think this is already covered by 🥅 (catch errors).

agea commented 7 months ago

Maybe it's a subtle difference, usually in "catch error" commits, there is a try/catch clause explicitly catching errors

In this case, you wouldn't have a try/catch; instead, for instance, by adding a rate or concurrency limiter, you would generate exceptions

mingjunlu commented 7 months ago

I'm also wondering which emoji to use for adding a rate limit 🤔

vhoyer commented 7 months ago

Hmm, I'm with @cruzdanilo, maybe we could change the description from catching errrors to also include the meaning to fault tolerance, what do you all think of "catch, prevent and manage errors"?

mingjunlu commented 7 months ago

@vhoyer Sounds good to me! 👍