carousell / pickle

Carousell flavoured image picker with multiple photo selections.
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to get the fileUrl for selected media asset from PHAsset Object #55

Closed sagar-nikam688 closed 3 years ago

sagar-nikam688 commented 4 years ago

Thanks in advance,

Thanks for this wonderful library but i am not able to get the fileUrl for selected media object.

Also it will helpful for other users to be mentioned in readMe file

Thanks Again..

bcylin commented 4 years ago

not able to get the fileUrl for selected media object.

Hi @sagar-nikam688, maybe PHContentEditingInput is what you are looking for?

asset.requestContentEditingInput(with: nil) { editingInput, info in
    print(editingInput?.fullSizeImageURL as Any)