carrot / ship

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integrate vinyl #20

Closed kylemac closed 10 years ago

kylemac commented 10 years ago

this is a great project when interacting with files. ship does that sometimes :grin:

notslang commented 10 years ago

ooh, this might be exactly what I was just looking for...

jescalan commented 10 years ago

It's used in roots and roots' extensions and has been a fantastic addition

kylemac commented 10 years ago

@slang800 does it kind of freak you out that I just spoke to you from two months ago?

notslang commented 10 years ago


[hurriedly reads through kyle's public gh activity for messages from the future]

notslang commented 10 years ago

Ok, i'm reading through the test cases for vinyl, and it looks really nice, but still a bit over-complicated. It seems to require you to work with buffers & streams and it doesn't seem to provide direct manipulation of the underlying fs. Is that right?

So, I don't think that's what I'm looking for... But open() from is exactly what I wanted.

notslang commented 10 years ago

Closing cause I made, which is better for this than both promised io and vinyl