carrot / ship

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Hashed deployment #26

Closed hhsnopek closed 10 years ago

hhsnopek commented 10 years ago

Basically the idea is to hash all the files and folders(like git), then only deploy the new and/or updated files & folders. Basically a "stupid" vcs(sorta...)

The idea instead of deleting and re-deploying the whole package is to take each hash and compare them, folders first then files within, then ship will add, update, and delete accordingly.

This process will excluded the email & gh-page deployers.

hhsnopek commented 10 years ago

My only question for this is efficiency, will deleting and deploying the new/updated files be faster than deleting everything and redeploying the whole package.

I can see this providing an advantage for big projects, but small projects almost be pointless. Maybe this could be an option to be configured, with a default of using it.

jescalan commented 10 years ago

This is called cacheing, just for future reference. I think it's a good idea, but is quite ambitious.

hhsnopek commented 10 years ago

Ahh thank you :smile: I couldn't quite place what it would be called

notslang commented 10 years ago

This would probably build on top of and would be a utility that can be accessed on a per-deployer basis (rather than making the ship core aware of what deployers use it or don't use it).

Anyway, good idea for an optimization.