carrot / ship

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should the shipfile be optional? #28

Closed notslang closed 10 years ago

notslang commented 10 years ago

I'm a little torn on this one. Right now you can use the github deployer without any configuration because it has defaults for everything, but a shipfile is still required... maybe that should be optional.

kylemac commented 10 years ago

I can see both sides of the argument here for sure, but I tend to think that it should be required. The one really nice thing that having your shipfile in your project signals that "using ship is the way to deploy your project" -- no magic. Even when everything has a nice default - the interface for the developer is simple and clean and easy to wrap your head around.

jescalan commented 10 years ago

If there are actually times where no values are needed in the shipfile I can see not having it crash and burn if not present. Roots does it the same way with You almost always will have an file, but if you aren't really adding anything to it and are looking for a straight compile with all defaults, you can skip it and it still works.

Kyle has a good point about it indicating that it's how the project is shipped, but at the same time if you wanted that clarity you could always put a shipfile in anyway thats empty with just a comment saying "run this command to ship the project to github pages" or whatever.

So I guess I would say no it shouldn't be required, although it should be encouraged, and almost always will end up being used in practice, I assume.

kylemac commented 10 years ago

You make a good point about the shipfile. I think I've been swayed. What are your thoughts now @slang800 ?

notslang commented 10 years ago

I'm leaning towards making it optional, or just having it automatically generated if we're sticking with the interactivity

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Yeah I think making it optional is the way to go. So another question, what if someone straight up runs ship in a directory with no shipfile? Are we going to give them the full interactive builder there being like "where do you want to deploy to" and select from a list? That would be pretty badass...

notslang commented 10 years ago

hmm... that's worth considering

jescalan commented 10 years ago

We can certainly do it with inquirer

kylemac commented 10 years ago

we will make it optional for deployers that have enough defaults like gh-pages.

we will plan for a future release to prompt for input, but this should not be a v1 priority.