carrot / ship

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ship -to gh-pages fails #47

Closed notslang closed 10 years ago

notslang commented 10 years ago

I installed 0.1.0, ran it, filled in the info, it printed an EMFILE error missing the stack trace, waited ~10 seconds, and then printed the error seen below a couple hundred times before finishing with RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded. Not sure why the first error didn't kill it, or why there's no stack traces, but I don't have much time to dig into this error right now.

screenshot from 2014-07-29 23 16 56

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Huh that's weird. I'll look in to this and see if I can patch it. Can I pull carrot/digital-dumbo to replicate?

notslang commented 10 years ago

yeah, go right ahead

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Cool, hopefully will have this patched up shortly, whatever it is

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Ok the issue here has to do with the fact that the .git and node_modules directories were trying to be pushed. Going to work on smoother handling for this and will patch into ship and/or PR here.

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Ok, got much better ignore settings in for these folders, and ran into a second issue, which is that github's api does not accept blobs with no content, and there was a .keep file in the file tree. You can remove this keep file now and it deploys correctly, but I don't think that should be necessary, as I know you can push blank files to github, so I filed a support request with them to see if they had any way that we might be able to do this. Once I hear back (they usually are pretty quick), I'll hopefully be able to implement a workaround, then push a patch to ship that irons these issues out.

I did however get it to deploy successfully, which is awesome. So working deployer is well on the way after this patch!

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Ok issue resolved, it was a bug in the node-github api wrapper actually. Have a PR in to get it fixed, and patched it myself to verify that it is working. Once the push a patch for that I'll push a ship patch that incorporates all these fixes.

samccone commented 10 years ago

still failing for me, not sure why ✘ Empty value for parameter 'content':

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Need a little more info here if possible -- how can i replicate this?

samccone commented 10 years ago
jescalan commented 10 years ago

:+1: will check this out shortly

jescalan commented 10 years ago

Oh actually it's because the node-github PR hasn't been accepted yet. I guess I'll just fork it and ship that version, sorry.

samccone commented 10 years ago

epix :bug: reporter unlocked