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github branch argument #61

Closed hhsnopek closed 9 years ago

hhsnopek commented 9 years ago

ref #21 - what ever happened to this option?

jescalan commented 9 years ago

I don't totally see the need for any branch other than gh-pages, although it is possible. Do you have a use case?

hhsnopek commented 9 years ago

Only other branch needs are for deploying to master from another branch for repos

jescalan commented 9 years ago

Oh yeah I suppose. Definitely an edge case, but I'll add a configurable branch arg that defaults to gh-pages.

hhsnopek commented 9 years ago

edge case? :stuck_out_tongue: a lot of orgs and users use the root of their sites

jescalan commented 9 years ago

Yeah but they probably just commit to master, or pull request into it directly...

hhsnopek commented 9 years ago

yeah, but unless the index.html is in the project root they must change the index.html source root. For roots projects you'd have to either do that or just deploy to master :smile:

jescalan commented 9 years ago

Sure, it's valid but still I'd say an edge. I'll have this added though probably before the end of today

hhsnopek commented 9 years ago

haha okay :grinning: it's an edge case - I like to live on the edge a bit