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Neocities deployer #70

Open theGrue opened 9 years ago

theGrue commented 9 years ago

Hey everybody,

I added a deployer for Neocities based on their API library. The API seems to be a bit immature, so there were some things that other deployers do that I wasn't able to recreate:

Neocities also only allows certain file types, so some extra functionality was added to the deployer to filter down to just allowed files.

It looks like at this point, as per test/, I need someone from the core team to add the test account password to the encrypted config file. I've made the ship-testing account, let me know who needs the information and I can hand off the account so you can add it to the config file, encrypt, and get the tests to pass.

Let me know how it looks, thanks!

jescalan commented 9 years ago

Hey there @theGrue! Thanks for the good work here. We'll have someone from the team look it over soon :grinning:

jescalan commented 9 years ago

Hi @theGrue -- I'm so sorry for dropping the ball on this for so long. Going to make moves here soon