cartant / eslint-plugin-rxjs

ESLint rules for RxJS
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rxjs/finnish counter-intuitive for functions assigned to variables/properties/params #105

Open jimivdw opened 2 years ago

jimivdw commented 2 years ago

Given the following configuration:

    "rxjs/finnish": [
            "strict": true

We would currently get the following results:

function fun$(): Observable<never> { return EMPTY; }   // OK
const var$ = (): Observable<never> => EMPTY;           // ERROR shouldNotBeFinnish

class Cls {
  prop$ = (): Observable<never> => EMPTY;              // ERROR shouldNotBeFinnish
  mthd$(): Observable<never> { return EMPTY; }         // OK
  mthd2(par$: () => Observable<never>): void {}        // ERROR shouldNotBeFinnish

const var2$ = fun$;                                    // ERROR shouldNotBeFinnish
const var3$ = new Cls().mthd$;                         // ERROR shouldNotBeFinnish

To me, this feels counterintuitive. If a function/method should be in finnish notation if it returns an Observable, the same should be true when it is disguised as a variable/property/param.

Am I correct here? Or is this just not how the rule is meant to work.

Thanks in advance! And thanks in general to @cartant for maintaining this nice set of lint rules.