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Signature showing up in Collection export #1341

Closed gloverkari closed 3 months ago

gloverkari commented 7 months ago

Signature is showing up in Collection export. Also, name is showing up on a competency (see image) image

gloverkari commented 7 months ago

In the collection I exported, only one competency within the collection showed this behavior.

{ "context": "", "id": "", "type": "Competency", "dcterms:type": "Agricultural Equipment Technician - OJT,ADC farm administration will verify completion of a minimum 450 hours OJT and proficiency in the entry level competencies described in the Curriculum Guide", "name": "Chassis and Drive Systems", "owner": [ "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEAoxAUDXpiAK0Xf4sMutqUpht4pSKrVxFrw0xNp7dSgrr8bF7VRhlAu97t5HOGmcKrReWPxPm1eylnyeUIsMTk0gOB10wgKZ1cuhGqcwcll8In/BXBFxpG14Z0knETxi7nOZhhfQlj68aVECtlPff0nAnmxxuyYjEBXIuSOrOlaqxEzFCi8/VOQjimnWzkrk4d9j9CqACMS44viDqriWGJt9dURLZQz2yFUqoRakbHjiLRuc+6vd+r+wAzr4NcIoOb6+ApjFBTNUIAse5Wzny0BY2cEMnKmy+gIa9cDf2WAVvgX9Uouui+v6H4jVgpEsReLvF3hL9TVElPGGWRyQsgRQIDAQAB-----END PUBLIC KEY-----" ], "schema:inLanguage": "en-US", "signature": [ "aQSyLEerPQE7k7BOXeSirbWFVeVvqzT2s0AneHfQc3HJB/ZDcNgyqR09bSyqq/cKbLhYphz573TFOlPJALM61HxCBd56VU8kuNILbX8YHA1z9zHcV5SCMlBhAUqC0YcOu9VLhyca4TxogevUvEDZ/mmZ9dMb9kgCUNoPm1f9NV19jmGmz010My+Ij4Z1HBkKM5ce9PsuyoJsZcfmZVz3HyjO73FVmv91QOGJcuWrA6/ndZyHZecd2cyVkMGY/qLz2Wf2WtbSzM7Y1BlZ0DVo+51fDDh9TsLG3j82vhQbE3xnk/pBKznkxxdtHYwdK/S1XwxEYstPDQ8nGPl+qABg8Q==" ] },

gloverkari commented 5 months ago

The competency id is being interpreted incorrectly in the code preventing it from exporting in ceasn format. A change had already been made to address this issue for frameworks and so I've added the change to address it in collections as well.

sedula27 commented 5 months ago

@gloverkari I did test the export of this collection on sandbox and the Signature shows up in the export.


gloverkari commented 5 months ago

This fix is not quite yet on sandbox. It will be in release 1.5.43.

sedula27 commented 4 months ago

Sandbox export still shows the signature, but the same collection was uploaded to staging and production and the export has no errors