catcatio / catcat-firebase

Firebase related
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[catcat-bots] to add user id for tracing purpose #28

Closed niponchi closed 6 years ago

niponchi commented 6 years ago

Cannot see whose message:

catcat-bots | 174 | 74.47MB | ✏️ --> ดูตั๋ว catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 74.75MB | ✏️ total language detection time (th): 112 catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 76.58MB | 💥 Request failed with status code 400 catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 76.58MB | 💥 Error: Request failed with status code 400 catcat-bots | [dev] at wrapError (/usr/app/node_modules/@line/bot-sdk/dist/http.js:10:15) catcat-bots | [dev] at catcat-bots | [dev] at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:188:7) catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 76.58MB | ✏️ --> Blank catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 78.92MB | ✏️ total language detection time (en): 114 catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 81.50MB | ✏️ <-- hmm...? catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 81.46MB | ✏️ --> อีเวนท์ catcat-bots | [dev] catcat-bots | 174 | 82.82MB | ✏️ total language detection time (th): 116

niponchi commented 6 years ago

Fixed in