cbucher / console

This is a modified version of Console 2 for a better experience under Windows Vista/7/8/10 and a better visual rendering.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Localization: I'm looking for translators #303

Open cbucher opened 8 years ago

cbucher commented 8 years ago

If you want to contribute to this project as translator, you can see how here.

cruzzer commented 8 years ago

You can put me down for German

cruzzer commented 8 years ago

Hi Christophe,

I've create that translated ini file for German, but I'm currently not setup to with Visual Studio. What would you want me to do?


cbucher commented 8 years ago

@cruzzer HI

Thank you for contributing.

So, you created the directory l10n/DEU and translated the file l10n/DEU/console.ini. Have you generated the file l10n/DEU/console.rc?

The l10n project will automatically generate all localized dll by parsing l10n sub directories. There is nothing to add in Visual Studio.

Do you have Visual Studio? Can you build the solution?


cruzzer commented 8 years ago

Hi Christoph,

I've had some issues creating the console.rc file. Yes, it generated the console.rc file, but with the LocalizeRC error: "Could not copy file! The system cannot find the file specified."

I can commit the files and you can have a look at them. The fields only need re-sizing. Sadly I don't have Visual Studio.


cbucher commented 8 years ago

I've had some issues creating the console.rc file. Yes, it generated the console.rc file, but with the LocalizeRC error: "Could not copy file! The system cannot find the file specified."

console/resource.h is missing. have you download all the project?

I can commit the files and you can have a look at them. The fields only need re-sizing. Sadly I don't have Visual Studio.

Visual Studio Community is free. See https://github.com/cbucher/console/wiki/How-to-compile There are links to all needed tools.

cruzzer commented 8 years ago

I could not find iconv at the location you supplied, so is used the solution from here.

Once I've compiled the binaries. How do I start consoleZ with that specific language? It did create console_DEU.dll, but in the build window it mentiones "build target does not exist"

cbucher commented 8 years ago

I change iconv download location in the documentation.

Localized dll and console.exe must be in the same folder. Localized dll and console.exe must have the same version. Console.exe loads the localized dll corresponding to your current Windows language. If you want to test another language, you must rename the localized dll (change the three-letters code).

So just copy (your choice upon your OS and target you are building):

And launch console.exe from l10n\Release or l10n\Release Legacy.

cruzzer commented 8 years ago

I'm just uploading these files. Unfortunately I did not have success with consolez loading the dll. german.zip

cbucher commented 8 years ago

Unfortunately I did not have success with consolez loading the dll.

I can see no problem if you respect these rules:


We must resolve your issue.

Please do a pull request. The identity of the translator must appear in the commit. I wish not be responsible for the translation. I will not control that translation is correct and I will not maintainer. You can add your name in the "about" window (the string can be found in console.ini).

cruzzer commented 8 years ago

So I spent some more time on it. It seams I had two problems that masked each other.

  1. My iconv.exe produces an incorrect output and the build process didn't give me an error for that, so I didn't detect it. Once I replaced my version with yours, I got an error that stuff was missing.
  2. The missing RES folder might be generated by LocalizeRC, but is not included in your committed project. To remedy that I included the console project in the l10n project (.vcxproj) , which allows me to compile the other languages without manually copying in a RES folder.
  3. LocalizeRC must have "Coy Resource Header and RES Folder" checkbox active, else it will not generate a console.rc file that is correctly built. This option is needed even if the RES folder is deleted and not needed for building.

For these reasons, no matter how many times I tried to rename console_AAA.rc to my language, it would simple be ignored without error. The same happened for console_FRA.rc, as it was not correctly compiled.

After all that work I completely forgot the "about" string. I'll have a look at that next.

cbucher commented 8 years ago

Thank you for your work. I fixed the build process. Copy of resource.h and RES folder is no longer required.

rosolino commented 8 years ago

Hello. I upload Japanese localization file. It is a small place that is the translation ... JPN.zip

cbucher commented 8 years ago

@rosolino Hello, Thank you for the translation.

Please do a pull request. The identity of the translator must appear in the commit. I wish not be responsible for the translation. I will not control correctness of the translation and I will not maintain the translation. You can add your name in the "about" window (the string can be found in console.ini).

pcr-coding commented 8 years ago

Sorry, but I have to mention that the german translation is very incomplete and full of bugs. There are many fundamental mistakes which make it almost unusable.

To mention only a few as example (I could mention numerous more): The menu Edit is never called Editieren in german. Everybody is used to find it as Bearbeiten. Or the Button Clone would never be called Klonen everybody would say Duplizieren. Button would never ever be called Knopf everybody knows it as Schaltfläche and so on.

Translators should at least follow some naming conventions, Windows users are used to! There should be some quality check (community based or something) before a language is included or at least the possibility to switch the language back to a good native english (I didn't find any option to switch the language, if it exists it must be lost in some strange german).

The german is unusable (at least for me). It looks like is was done by a translating software and not by a human thinking about it. Many words are translated word by word instead of meaningful translations as a human would do it or as you can find it in other softwares.

Yes I know I could fix it and do a pull request. But I think not doing any quality check (at least a community based) before including it into the stable release is a main problem that needs to be discussed!

//Edit: OK I found out to delete the german dll results in falling back to english. But it would be nice to have the option to switch it in the settings of ConsoleZ. This is what users are used to and I don't have to change it on every software update.

cbucher commented 8 years ago

@pcr-coding You can contribute and correct the translation.

cbucher commented 8 years ago

OK I found out to delete the german dll results in falling back to english.

This is mentioned in FAQ section.

But it would be nice to have the option to switch it in the settings of ConsoleZ. This is what users are used to and I don't have to change it on every software update.

see FAQ (and #334)

ConsoleZ language loading follows Windows standard order: first the user language, second the system language and last the neutral language (english). Resource dlls, named (console_<(ISO 639-2/B>.dll), are optional. They can be renamed or deleted.


cbucher commented 8 years ago

@ya158 @cruzzer @rosolino @pcr-coding Stable version should be released next week. Please, verify/complete/fix translations.

cbucher commented 8 years ago

@ya158 @cruzzer @rosolino @pcr-coding @ys-nuem Hi, Stable version should be released next week. Please, verify/complete/fix translations.

ya158 commented 8 years ago

I`m verify/complete/fix translations.

cbucher commented 7 years ago

@ya158 @cruzzer @rosolino @pcr-coding @ys-nuem Hi, Stable version should be released next week. Please, complete translations.

cbucher commented 7 years ago

@ya158 @cruzzer @rosolino @pcr-coding @ys-nuem Hi, version has been released Stable version should be released next week. Please, could you complete translations?

madcampos commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm interested in translating for Brazilian-Portuguese. Will send a PR.

cbucher commented 6 years ago

@madcampos Hi, all translators/contributors are welcomed. You will find localization documentation here.

Steps 4 to 6 require Visual Studio for building. Tell me if this is a problem.