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How to make multivariate forecasting? #16

Open Leopold2333 opened 5 months ago

Leopold2333 commented 5 months ago

Hi, I read the code in, but get confused of the way the datasets are loaded. In the, the DataFrame Y_df is defined as 'Target time series with columns ['unique_id', 'ds', 'y']', well, take ETT dataset as an example, there are one column as 'date' and other 7 columns as 'variables of different nodes', currently I view the 'unique_id' part as the default index of panda.DataFrame, so what is the 'ds' and 'y'? What's more, it seems that N-Hits works in an univariate way in the following line: That makes me confused, how does N-Hits make multivariate predictions? By individually yielding prediction results of each univariate variable?