cchan9528 / ServerlessImageProcessing

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Serverless Image Processing

Serverless image processing platform

As of 10/30/2020, cloud provider is AWS

Built with the Serverless Framework

Running Locally

With the help of the serverless-offline plugin, project can run locally


  1. Fast - no need to hit cloud provider

  2. Free - no need to hit cloud provider

    What more can you ask for? :)


  1. Download the following:
  1. Edit env.yml with the appropriate environment variable values

  2. In a terminal, run the following in this directory (project root) to start the serverless services

    $ serverless offline [--printOutput]
  3. In a new terminal tab/window, connect to the API Gateway service as a new client

    $ wscat -c ws://localhost:3001

    Change 3001 to the appropriate port number given in output of step 1


  1. In a terminal, run the following in this directory

    $ npm run test