ccseer / Seer

Seer bug report
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Cannot preview the EPS files #386

Closed Inatine closed 1 year ago

Inatine commented 1 year ago

Hi again Dev! I think I found a bug.

I tried open EPS files (few, to ensure myself that it's repeatable), but it looked like this: EPS FILE WITH PLUGIN EPS2PNG

I got confused, because I remembered that the plugin for this extension was installed. So I checked it and I was, actually, using plugin eps2png PLUGINS

Now I got confused even more, because I had vivid memory of this working before. I restarted my computer and Seer also. It did nothing. So I added eps to OIT-1.2.0 and it worked: EPS WITH OIT PLUGIN

BUT with bigger EPS files it doesn't work. It's just loading over and over again, never actually showing up the proper image.

Is it bug or some other issue? It behaves the same on MS version and Win32 version.

ccseer commented 1 year ago

sometime the plugin contains bugs as well. But I don’t have the code of these plugins, so nothing I can do.

ccseer commented 1 year ago

I noticed that something changed in last release.

you can add a space in the argument image

ccseer commented 1 year ago


Inatine commented 1 year ago

Yup, it works now. The result is not always the best, but in most cases it works okayge Okayge

Here you have the example of "not the best" case obraz

ccseer commented 1 year ago

It shows you are using OIT plugin to preview eps. But I can't preview it on my laptop. My solution was for eps2png.