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(Rogue) Vanish #636

Open Bzmode opened 9 years ago

Bzmode commented 9 years ago Vanish doesn't drop enemy target, allowing me to cheap shot after target vanishes. Also breaks player frame permanently.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Vanish didn't drop enemy target on retail either, for a very very short period of time, allowing you to cast spells through vanish* if you timed it right. I definitely used to do this on retail during WotLK with sap/cheap shot and vanish/shadow dance, and blind. I was aware of this existing back in TBC too, maybe I'm wrong. That being said, I'm not sure if it should be this easy (or if this is the correct behavior at all). I'll look for some videos. Target frame breaking is definitely a bug, though, as I don't recall this happening on retail.

@ceyscro targeting enemy != having a target frame, there used to be a short period during which you'd have a target but not have a target frame after the target would vanish. I suppose the target frame was getting dropped before the actual target would change to 'none'.

EDIT: This is akrios' dueling video from WotLK

EDIT2: Meant to say Vanish but said Blind instead. Added more info.

ceyscro commented 9 years ago

Yeah as SorcerersApprentice said, for a short period of time you see target while vanishing. Absolutely normal behavior, this is what allows vanish to "absorb" stuns or to stuns to break vanish. Here a screen from retail video :

ghost commented 9 years ago

@Peonstomperx I wonder if a macro such as the one below would fix that bug: /cleartarget /targetlasttarget

ccshiro commented 9 years ago

The frame does bug if you cheap shot a rogue as he vanishes. No other spells seems to bug it (tried kidney shot, sap, sinister strike). Not sure exactly why it bugs, but it's 100% reproducible.

lawzftw commented 9 years ago

About the frame bug, I remember asking about it on AT (wotlk though), and they said it's client side. So this bug probably also existed on retail. I only had it on focus frames though, so it might not be the same bug. For every way to "disappear" (vanish, stealth, meld etc), we kept the focus, and when they were visible we still had the focus, but no frame (as here).

Nain1 commented 9 years ago

Should Vanish not provide immunity to stuns? At least when used?

ceyscro commented 9 years ago

Depending of timing. Vanish can either avoid a stun or be broken by the stun (rogue take the stun).

darkcranio commented 9 years ago

I remember charging into vanishes, was fun.

ccshiro commented 9 years ago

I can't figure out why the bug happens. Will move it to low priority since it's pretty time consuming and not that big of an impact (the trigger window is pretty small and reselecting the target gets rid of the bug).