cdb-boop / Space-Quest-V-Voice-Acting-Mod

Voice acting added to Space Quest 5.
9 stars 1 forks source link


I modified Space Quest V to support full voice acting.

Sample video:


To install, get a copy of Space Quest V from the Space Quest Collection, and run the exe found in the Releases. Provide the exe with the path to your Space Quest 5 folder. The installer should remove all patch files, as they may cause issues running the game.

After installation, download the ~500MB resource.aud file, which contains the synthetized voices, and add it inside the Space Quest 5 folder.

Note that the game must be played with both text and audio, as the branching dialog requires text output from the Messager.

Runs with DOXBox-X and DOSBox (0.74-2 or earlier). ScummVM has an issue where loading a saved game loads with missing text boxes.


If you want to try adding voices to other old games, here is my general pipeline.


Unresolved bugs

Basic audio fixes

Rgn (994)

Feature (950)

Adding missing voicing acting

New Messager bug fixes

Messager enhancements

Decompilation or general bug fixes

Timing bug fixes


Rough estimates.