I could write another image handler which over rides bolts settings, or include an image library like intervention or imagine.
So this is here to remind me to maybe do this or rip out bolts thumb handler and do my own which would also allow for passthrough of svg images or webp thumb creation.
Ideally I'd like to allow the use of a "low quality placeholder" in the src attribute. This can be useful in these instances:
Example Markup would be:
Bolts thumbs doesn't allow the quality to be set for an individual image. Its a global value that's set in the main bolt config (https://github.com/bolt/bolt/blob/release/3.1/src/Helpers/Image/Thumbnail.php#L30-L35) and falls back to 80.
I could write another image handler which over rides bolts settings, or include an image library like intervention or imagine.
So this is here to remind me to maybe do this or rip out bolts thumb handler and do my own which would also allow for passthrough of svg images or webp thumb creation.