cedadev / c3s_434_ecde_page_text

To manage page text for the European Climate Data Explorer being developed by the C3S 434 project.
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Text to explain Europe Box #36

Closed charliepascoe closed 3 years ago

charliepascoe commented 3 years ago

New feature to allow users to see Europe-wide mean. Actions of how to use it need to be explained in the page text.

charliepascoe commented 3 years ago


charliepascoe commented 3 years ago

The regions on the map facilitate dynamic access to the underlying data. Hover the mouse pointer over a region to view the value of the area mean or click on a region to request a time series plot. Likewise, access the trans-national average for the EEA member and cooperating countries (EEA 38) via the "Europe" bounding box.