cedoor / mindmapp

:rocket: Web application to draw mind maps.
MIT License
507 stars 111 forks source link
angular branch desktop-application draw electron infovis map memorise mind mindmap mindmapp mindmapping mmp node organization productivity visualization

🚨 No longer maintained

Thank you for your interest in this project. Unfortunately, I am no longer maintaining it. I highly recommend checking out TeamMapper, which is actively developed and maintained by other developers, or fork it yourself!

Mindmapp beta

Web application to draw mind maps.

:paperclip: Table of Contents

:rocket: Features

Feature Status Description
Basic mind map properties :heavy_check_mark: Set node images, colors and font properties.
Undo/Redo :heavy_check_mark: History of map changes.
Map centering :heavy_check_mark: Center map in x, y, z axes.
Shortcuts :heavy_check_mark: Main shortcuts to speed things up.
Local storage :heavy_check_mark: Save maps in the browser local storage.
JSON import/export :heavy_check_mark: Export and import maps as JSON file.
Image & PDF export :heavy_check_mark: Export maps as image (png, jpg) or PDF document.
PWA support :heavy_check_mark: Support of desktop and mobile browser PWA (Progressive Web App).
p2p database :x: Orbit (or something else) peer-to-peer database to share and eventually sync maps.
Plugin system :x: A plugin system to add third-party features.
Multiple selection :x: Select multiple nodes at the same time.
Multiple maps :heavy_check_mark: Multiple maps at the same time with multi-tabs.

:hammer: Install

With the following installed:

Clone the repo and install the dependencies from npm.

git clone https://github.com/Mindmapp/mindmapp.git
cd mindmapp
npm i

:video_game: Usage

For local development with angular dev server:

npm start

Then open http://localhost:4200 in your browser.

If you want to generate the project documentation:

npm run doc

A documentation folder will be generated in the project path.

:chart_with_upwards_trend: Development

:scroll: Rules


and body must be should include the motivation for the change and contrast this with previous behavior (do not add body if the commit is trivial).



git branch -b docs/README
git branch -b test/one-function
git branch -b feat/side-bar
git branch -b style/header

:raised_hand: Contributors

Mindmapp is a work in progress. Remember that if you want you can make a small contribution with a pull request.

:computer: Code Contributors

This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute. [Contribute].

:moneybag: Financial Contributors

Become a financial contributor and help us sustain our community. [Contribute]



Support this project with your organization. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [Contribute]

:page_facing_up: License

:telephone_receiver: Contacts

:boy: Developers