cenkkg / jraft

Raft is a consensus algorithm with Java.
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Technologies Used

Raft Consensus Algorithm

This section provides an overview of the Raft consensus algorithm. The algorithm is divided into nine sections, each describing a specific aspect of the protocol. Pseudo code is provided for each phase.


on initialization do
    currentTerm := 0
    votedFor := null
    log := ()
    commitLength := 0
    currentRole := follower
    currentLeader := null
    votesReceived := {}
    sentLength := {}
    ackedLength := {}
end on

The initialization phase sets the initial state of a node in the Raft cluster.

in the Raft cluster.

Recovery from Crash

on recovery from crash do
    currentRole := follower
    currentLeader := null
    votesReceived := {}
    sentLength := {}
    ackedLength := {}
end on

The recovery phase is triggered when a node restarts after a crash. It restores the node to its initial state.

Election and Suspected Leader

on node nodeld suspects leader has failed, or on election timeout do
    currentTerm := currentTerm + 1
    currentRole := candidate
    votedFor := nodeld
    votesReceived := {nodeld}
    lastTerm := 0
    if log.length > 0 then
        lastTerm := log[log.length - 1].term
    end if
    msg := (VoteRequest, nodeld, currentTerm, log.length, lastTerm)
    for each node in nodes do
        send msg to node
    end for
    start election timer
end on

This phase is triggered when a follower suspects the leader has failed or when an election timeout occurs.

Voting on a New Leader

on receiving (VoteRequest, cId, Term, cLogLength, cLogTerm) at node nodeld do
    if Term > currentTerm then
        currentTerm := Term
        currentRole := follower
        votedFor := null
    end if
    lastTerm := 0
    if log.length > 0 then
        lastTerm := log[log.length - 1].term
    end if
    logOk := (cLogTerm > lastTerm) or (cLogTerm = lastTerm and cLogLength >= log.length)
    if Term = currentTerm and logOk and votedFor = null then
        votedFor := cId
        send (VoteResponse, nodeld, currentTerm, true) to node cId
        send (VoteResponse, nodeld, currentTerm, false) to node cId
    end if
end on

This phase handles the voting process when a candidate requests votes from other nodes.

Collecting Votes

on receiving (voteResponse, voterId, term, granted) at nodeld do
    if currentRole = candidate and term = currentTerm and granted then
        votesReceived := votesReceived U {voterId}
        if votesReceived > (|nodes| + 1) / 2 then
            currentRole := leader
            currentLeader := nodeld
            cancel election timer
            for each follower in nodes \ {nodeld} do
                sentLength[follower] := log.length
                ackedLength[follower] := 0
                REPLICATELOG(nodeld, follower)
            end for
        end if
    else if term > currentTerm then
        currentTerm := term
        currentRole := follower
        votedFor := null
        cancel election timer
    end if
end on

This phase handles the response to a vote request from a candidate.

Broadcasting Messages

on request to broadcast msg at node nodeld do
    if currentRole = leader then
        append the record (msg: msg, term: currentTerm) to log
        ackedLength[nodeld] := log.length
        for each follower in nodes \ {nodeld} do
            REPLICATELOG(nodeld, follower)
        end for
        forward the request to currentLeader via a FIFO link
    end if
end on

periodically at node nodeld do
    if currentRole = leader then
        for each follower in nodes \ {nodeld} do
            REPLICATELOG(nodeld, follower)
        end for
    end if
end on

This phase handles broadcasting messages in the cluster.

Replicating from Leader to Followers

function REPLICATELOG(leaderId, followerId)
    prefixLen := sentLength[followerId]
    suffix := (log[prefixLen+1:], ...)
    prefixTerm := 0
    if prefixLen > 0 then
        prefixTerm := log[prefixLen].term
    end if
    send (LogRequest, leaderId, currentTerm, prefixLen, prefixTerm, commitLength, suffix) to followerId
end function

This phase handles log replication from the leader to its followers.

Followers Receiving Messages

on receiving (LogRequest, leaderId, term, prefixLen, prefixTerm, leaderCommit, suffix) at node nodeld do
    if term > currentTerm then
        currentTerm := term
        currentRole := follower
        currentLeader := leaderId
    end if
    logOk := (log.length >= prefixLen) and (prefixLen = 0 or log[prefixLen].term = prefixTerm)
    if term = currentTerm and logOk then
        APPENDENTRIES(prefixLen, leaderCommit, suffix)
        ack := prefixLen + suffix.length
        send (LogResponse, nodeld, currentTerm, ack, true) to leaderId
        send (LogResponse, nodeld, currentTerm, 0, false) to leaderId
    end if
end on

This phase handles the log replication process from the leader to its followers.

Updating Followers' Logs

function APPENDENTRIES(prefixLen, leaderCommit, suffix)
    if suffix.length > 0 and log.length >= prefixLen then
        index := min(log.length, prefixLen + suffix.length) - 1
        if log[index].term != suffix[index - prefixLen].term then
            log := log[1:prefixLen]
        end if
    end if
    if prefixLen + suffix.length > log.length then
        for i := log.length - prefixLen + 1 to suffix.length do
            log := log + suffix[i]
        end for
    end if
    if leaderCommit > commitLength then
        for i := commitLength + 1 to leaderCommit do
            deliver log[i].msg to the application
        end for
        commitLength := leaderCommit
    end if
end function

This function is called by followers to append log entries received from the leader.

Leader Receiving Log Acknowledgements

on receiving (LogResponse, follower, term, ack, success) at nodeld do
    if term = currentTerm and currentRole = leader then
        if success and ack > ackedLength[follower] then
            sentLength[follower] := ack
            ackedLength[follower] := ack
        else if sentLength[follower] > 0 then
            sentLength[follower] := sentLength[follower] - 1
            REPLICATELOG(nodeld, follower)
        end if
    else if term > currentTerm then
        currentTerm := term
        currentRole := follower
        votedFor := null
        cancel election timer
    end if
end on

This phase handles the leader's receipt of acknowledgments from followers regarding log replication.

Leader Committing Log Entries

    while commitLength < log.length do
        acks := 0
        for each node in nodes do
            if ackedLength[node] > commitLength then
                acks := acks + 1
            end if
        end for
        if acks > (|nodes| + 1) / 2 then
            deliver log[commitLength].msg to the application
            commitLength := commitLength + 1
        end if
    end while
end function

Any log entries that have been acknowledged by a quorum of nodes are ready to be committed by the leader. When a log entry is committed, its message is delivered to the application.

This README provides an overview of the Raft consensus algorithm, including the algorithm description and the corresponding pseudo code for each phase. For a complete understanding of the algorithm, it is recommended to refer to the original Raft paper (https://raft.github.io/raft.pdf).