Closed greatvovan closed 1 year ago
The workaround I invented so far:
def patch_azure_log_handler():
As of version opencensus-ext-azure==1.1.8, the handler fails to send
a log record to the cloud if the record has exc_info.
Here we convert most useful information from exc_info into
customDimensions dynamic field of traces table and reset exc_info.
from import BaseLogHandler
from traceback import format_exception
def emit(self, record):
if record.exc_info:
exc_type, exc_object, exc_trace = record.exc_info
cd = getattr(record, 'custom_dimensions', None)
if cd is None:
cd = {}
record.custom_dimensions = cd
cd['excType'] = exc_type.__name__
cd['excMessage'] = str(exc_object)
cd['excTrace'] = ''.join(format_exception(exc_object))
record.exc_info = None
BaseLogHandler.old_emit(self, record)
BaseLogHandler.old_emit = BaseLogHandler.emit
BaseLogHandler.emit = emit
Please post if you have improvement suggestions.
My apologies for false alert, I am a new user and I did not realize that the exceptions go into exceptions
table rather than regular traces
table. With that caveat everything works great.
Having said that, I think it is a questionable design to differentiate destinations based on presence of exc_info
, because Logger.warning(obj, exc_info=True)
will go to exceptions
table besides being a warning level record.
Python 3.10.8
pip freeze
``` azure-core==1.26.3 azure-identity==1.12.0 cachetools==5.3.0 certifi==2022.12.7 cffi==1.15.1 charset-normalizer==3.0.1 cryptography==39.0.1 google-api-core==2.11.0 google-auth==2.16.0 googleapis-common-protos==1.58.0 idna==3.4 msal==1.21.0 msal-extensions==1.0.0 opencensus==0.11.1 opencensus-context==0.1.3 opencensus-ext-azure==1.1.8 portalocker==2.7.0 protobuf==4.21.12 psutil==5.9.4 pyasn1==0.4.8 pyasn1-modules==0.2.8 pycparser==2.21 PyJWT==2.6.0 requests==2.28.2 rsa==4.9 six==1.16.0 typing_extensions==4.4.0 urllib3==1.26.14 ```Steps to reproduce
Run the code (with a valid InstrumentationKey):
What is the expected behaviour?
Equivalent output of both handlers.
What is the actual behaviour?
The code will print both 42 and 1/0 locally, but only 42 will go to Azure.
Additional context
I figured out that if I remove
from the record here before sending to the queue, it starts working. I did not chase it further. Also it does not print any errors.This does not seem to be a recent problem. I tried it with versions 1.1.0, 1.0.0, 0.7.1, and the result is the same.