centreon / centreon-archived

Centreon is a network, system and application monitoring tool. Centreon is the only AIOps Platform Providing Holistic Visibility to Complex IT Workflows from Cloud to Edge.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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error update plugin (linux snmp) after updating to 20.04.5 #8957

Open Anasme opened 4 years ago

Anasme commented 4 years ago





For the RPM based systems

-- Copy/Paste the result of the following command --

$ rpm -qa | grep centreon | egrep -v "(plugin|pack)" | sort
[root@ovh-monitoring01 ~]#

For the deb based systems

-- Copy/Paste the result of the following command --

$ dpkg -l | grep centreon

Operating System

CentOS Linux release 7.6.1810 (Core)

Browser used

Windows 10 pro


After updating from 18.10 to 20.04.5 (following the documentation) i'm stuck on updating my linux snmp plugin.

Steps to Reproduce

Please describe precisely the steps to reproduce the encountered issue.

  1. I logged in Centreon
  2. I reached the plugins pack section
  3. click on update linux snmp plugin

Describe the received result

got an error :

2020-09-01 12_07_02-Centreon - IT   Network Monitoring

Describe the expected result

The plugin should update without error.


PHP error logs

$ tail -f /var/opt/rh/rh-php72/log/php-fpm/centreon-error.log
[01-Sep-2020 12:13:44 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:13:44 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  file_put_contents(/usr/share/centreon//www/img/media//ppm//operatingsystems-linux-snmp-linux-128.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 449
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:14 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:14 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:14 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:15 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:15 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:15 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:16 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  chmod(): Operation not permitted in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 189
[01-Sep-2020 12:14:16 Europe/Paris] PHP Warning:  file_put_contents(/usr/share/centreon//www/img/media//ppm//operatingsystems-linux-snmp-linux-128.png): failed to open stream: Permission denied in /usr/share/centreon/www/class/centreonMedia.class.php on line 449

centreon-engine logs (if needed)

tail -f /var/log/centreon-engine/centengine.log

centreon-broker logs (if needed)

tail -f /var/log/centreon-broker/central-broker-master.log
[1598952851] error:   multiplexing: attempt to acknowledge more events than available in central-broker-master-perfdata event queue: 32599 requested, 1 acknowledged
[1598952963] error:   conflict_manager: error in the main loop: mysql: Unable to commit transactions: MySQL server has gone away
[1598952964] error:   conflict_manager: events loop interrupted
[1598952964] error:   conflict_manager: events loop interrupted
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file closed
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file opened
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file closed
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file opened
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file closed
Centreon Broker 20.04.8 log file opened

centreon gorgone logs for Centreon >= 20.4 (if needed)

tail -f /var/log/centreon-gorgone/gorgoned.log

centcore logs for Centreon <= 19.10.x (if needed)

tail -f /var/log/centreon/centcore.log

Additional relevant information (e.g. frequency, ...)

Thanks in advance for your help.

cgagnaire commented 4 years ago

Hi @Anasme, The SQL request error is caused by the problem we can see in the PHP logs. The icon media is not created on the filesystem, and then it cannot be referenced in the database. Can you execute those command lines and try again ?

chown apache. /usr/share/centreon/www/img/media/ppm
chmod 755 /usr/share/centreon/www/img/media/ppm
Anasme commented 4 years ago

I tried again with these commands, same error but no more log in "/var/opt/rh/rh-php72/log/php-fpm/centreon-error.log" dunno why... on web interface same error as the screenshot I sent on first post.

Reason: SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1452 Cannot add or update a child row: a foreign key constraint fails (`centreon`.`extended_host_information`, CONSTRAINT `extended_host_information_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`ehi_icon_image`) REFERENCES `view_img` (`img_id`) ON DELETE SET NULL)
Anasme commented 4 years ago

An idea? always 150 services unknown because of that 😞

cgagnaire commented 4 years ago

Hi @Anasme, Can you try to reinstall the Pack using the dedicated button on the Pack card ?

Anasme commented 3 years ago

Hello, You mean this button ? 2020-10-01 14_58_18-Centreon - IT   Network Monitoring

cgagnaire commented 3 years ago

Hi @Anasme, Sorry for the lack of answers. Yes that was the button. Can you send us the result of select * from centreon.view_img; ?

Anasme commented 3 years ago


| img_id | img_name                                                      | img_path                                                      | img_comment |
|      1 | operatingsystems-linux-snmp-OS-Linux-64.png                   | operatingsystems-linux-snmp-OS-Linux-64.png                   |             |
|      2 | applications-monitoring-centreon-central-App-Centreon-64.png  | applications-monitoring-centreon-central-App-Centreon-64.png  |             |
|      3 | applications-databases-mysql-DB-MySQL-64.png                  | applications-databases-mysql-DB-MySQL-64.png                  |             |
|      4 | applications-monitoring-centreon-poller-App-Centreon-64.png   | applications-monitoring-centreon-poller-App-Centreon-64.png   |             |
|      5 | applications-monitoring-centreon-poller-OS-Linux-64.png       | applications-monitoring-centreon-poller-OS-Linux-64.png       |             |
|      6 | applications-monitoring-centreon-database-App-Centreon-64.png | applications-monitoring-centreon-database-App-Centreon-64.png |             |
|      7 | operatingsystems-windows-snmp-OS-Windows-64.png               | operatingsystems-windows-snmp-OS-Windows-64.png               |             |
|      8 | backup                                                        | backup.png                                                    | NULL        |
|      9 | backup2                                                       | backup2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     10 | blackbox                                                      | blackbox.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     11 | cd_server                                                     | cd_server.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     12 | cd_server2                                                    | cd_server2.png                                                | NULL        |
|     13 | chat_server                                                   | chat_server.png                                               | NULL        |
|     14 | chat_server2                                                  | chat_server2.png                                              | NULL        |
|     15 | cluster                                                       | cluster.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     16 | cluster2                                                      | cluster2.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     17 | computer                                                      | computer.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     18 | computer2                                                     | computer2.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     19 | computer3                                                     | computer3.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     20 | computer4                                                     | computer4.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     21 | computer5                                                     | computer5.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     22 | computer6                                                     | computer6.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     23 | concentrator                                                  | concentrator.png                                              | NULL        |
|     24 | data_server                                                   | data_server.png                                               | NULL        |
|     25 | data_server2                                                  | data_server2.png                                              | NULL        |
|     26 | dial-in                                                       | dial-in.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     27 | directory_services                                            | directory_services.png                                        | NULL        |
|     28 | directory_services2                                           | directory_services2.png                                       | NULL        |
|     29 | disable_server                                                | disable_server.png                                            | NULL        |
|     30 | dmz_server                                                    | dmz_server.png                                                | NULL        |
|     31 | download_server                                               | download_server.png                                           | NULL        |
|     32 | dumbterminal                                                  | dumbterminal.png                                              | NULL        |
|     33 | e-shop                                                        | e-shop.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     34 | e-shop2                                                       | e-shop2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     35 | e-shop3                                                       | e-shop3.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     36 | email_antivirus                                               | email_antivirus.png                                           | NULL        |
|     37 | email_server                                                  | email_server.png                                              | NULL        |
|     38 | email_server2                                                 | email_server2.png                                             | NULL        |
|     39 | enable_server                                                 | enable_server.png                                             | NULL        |
|     40 | firewall                                                      | firewall.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     41 | hub                                                           | hub.png                                                       | NULL        |
|     42 | information_cluster                                           | information_cluster.png                                       | NULL        |
|     43 | integrated_office_system                                      | integrated_office_system.png                                  | NULL        |
|     44 | irc                                                           | irc.png                                                       | NULL        |
|     45 | laptop                                                        | laptop.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     46 | laptop2                                                       | laptop2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     47 | laptop3                                                       | laptop3.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     48 | laptop4                                                       | laptop4.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     49 | loadbalancer                                                  | loadbalancer.png                                              | NULL        |
|     50 | loadbalancer2                                                 | loadbalancer2.png                                             | NULL        |
|     51 | monitoring                                                    | monitoring.png                                                | NULL        |
|     52 | multimedia                                                    | multimedia.png                                                | NULL        |
|     53 | multimedia2                                                   | multimedia2.png                                               | NULL        |
|     54 | nas                                                           | nas.png                                                       | NULL        |
|     55 | nas2                                                          | nas2.png                                                      | NULL        |
|     56 | nas3                                                          | nas3.png                                                      | NULL        |
|     57 | nas4                                                          | nas4.png                                                      | NULL        |
|     58 | nas_secured                                                   | nas_secured.png                                               | NULL        |
|     59 | network_node                                                  | network_node.png                                              | NULL        |
|     60 | news                                                          | news.png                                                      | NULL        |
|     61 | news2                                                         | news2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|     62 | office_app_server                                             | office_app_server.png                                         | NULL        |
|     63 | outlook_remote                                                | outlook_remote.png                                            | NULL        |
|     64 | phone                                                         | phone.png                                                     | NULL        |
|     65 | phone2                                                        | phone2.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     66 | printer                                                       | printer.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     67 | printer2                                                      | printer2.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     68 | printer3                                                      | printer3.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     69 | print_server                                                  | print_server.png                                              | NULL        |
|     70 | proxy_server                                                  | proxy_server.png                                              | NULL        |
|     71 | rack1                                                         | rack1.png                                                     | NULL        |
|     72 | rack2                                                         | rack2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|     73 | raid_cluster                                                  | raid_cluster.png                                              | NULL        |
|     74 | raid_cluster2                                                 | raid_cluster2.png                                             | NULL        |
|     75 | redundancy                                                    | redundancy.png                                                | NULL        |
|     76 | remote_desktop                                                | remote_desktop.png                                            | NULL        |
|     77 | remote_installator                                            | remote_installator.png                                        | NULL        |
|     78 | router                                                        | router.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     79 | satlink                                                       | satlink.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     80 | satlink2                                                      | satlink2.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     81 | scanner                                                       | scanner.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     82 | screen                                                        | screen.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     83 | screen2                                                       | screen2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     84 | screen3                                                       | screen3.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     85 | screen4                                                       | screen4.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     86 | screen5                                                       | screen5.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     87 | search_server                                                 | search_server.png                                             | NULL        |
|     88 | search_server2                                                | search_server2.png                                            | NULL        |
|     89 | secure_server                                                 | secure_server.png                                             | NULL        |
|     90 | security                                                      | security.png                                                  | NULL        |
|     91 | security2                                                     | security2.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     92 | server                                                        | server.png                                                    | NULL        |
|     93 | server2                                                       | server2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     94 | server3                                                       | server3.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     95 | server4                                                       | server4.png                                                   | NULL        |
|     96 | shoutcast                                                     | shoutcast.png                                                 | NULL        |
|     97 | shoutcast2                                                    | shoutcast2.png                                                | NULL        |
|     98 | soho                                                          | soho.png                                                      | NULL        |
|     99 | soho2                                                         | soho2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    100 | soho3                                                         | soho3.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    101 | soho4                                                         | soho4.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    102 | sql                                                           | sql.png                                                       | NULL        |
|    103 | sql2                                                          | sql2.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    104 | sql3                                                          | sql3.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    105 | storage                                                       | storage.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    106 | subnet                                                        | subnet.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    107 | switch                                                        | switch.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    108 | switch2                                                       | switch2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    109 | atm                                                           | atm.png                                                       | NULL        |
|    110 | time_server                                                   | time_server.png                                               | NULL        |
|    111 | time_server2                                                  | time_server2.png                                              | NULL        |
|    112 | time_server3                                                  | time_server3.png                                              | NULL        |
|    113 | time_server4                                                  | time_server4.png                                              | NULL        |
|    114 | time_server5                                                  | time_server5.png                                              | NULL        |
|    115 | upload_server                                                 | upload_server.png                                             | NULL        |
|    116 | video_server                                                  | video_server.png                                              | NULL        |
|    117 | video_server2                                                 | video_server2.png                                             | NULL        |
|    118 | video_server3                                                 | video_server3.png                                             | NULL        |
|    119 | voip                                                          | voip.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    120 | voip_client                                                   | voip_client.png                                               | NULL        |
|    121 | voip_client2                                                  | voip_client2.png                                              | NULL        |
|    122 | webmail                                                       | webmail.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    123 | webmail2                                                      | webmail2.png                                                  | NULL        |
|    124 | wifi                                                          | wifi.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    125 | wifi2                                                         | wifi2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    126 | wifi3                                                         | wifi3.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    127 | wifi_bridge                                                   | wifi_bridge.png                                               | NULL        |
|    128 | www_server                                                    | www_server.png                                                | NULL        |
|    129 | distributed_database                                          | distributed_database.png                                      | NULL        |
|    130 | remote_desktop2                                               | remote_desktop2.png                                           | NULL        |
|    131 | satlink3                                                      | satlink3.png                                                  | NULL        |
|    132 | firewall2                                                     | firewall2.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    133 | accounting_server                                             | accounting_server.png                                         | NULL        |
|    134 | document_server                                               | document_server.png                                           | NULL        |
|    135 | game_server                                                   | game_server.png                                               | NULL        |
|    136 | modem                                                         | modem.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    137 | modem2                                                        | modem2.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    138 | sql4                                                          | sql4.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    139 | multimedia3                                                   | multimedia3.png                                               | NULL        |
|    140 | email_server3                                                 | email_server3.png                                             | NULL        |
|    141 | shoutcast3                                                    | shoutcast3.png                                                | NULL        |
|    142 | video_server4                                                 | video_server4.png                                             | NULL        |
|    143 | modem3                                                        | modem3.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    144 | modem5                                                        | modem5.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    145 | cable_modem                                                   | cable_modem.png                                               | NULL        |
|    146 | modem4                                                        | modem4.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    147 | game_server2                                                  | game_server2.png                                              | NULL        |
|    148 | game_server3                                                  | game_server3.png                                              | NULL        |
|    149 | game_server4                                                  | game_server4.png                                              | NULL        |
|    150 | modem6                                                        | modem6.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    151 | firewall3                                                     | firewall3.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    152 | redundancy2                                                   | redundancy2.png                                               | NULL        |
|    153 | search_server3                                                | search_server3.png                                            | NULL        |
|    154 | switch3                                                       | switch3.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    155 | radiolink                                                     | radiolink.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    156 | wifi4                                                         | wifi4.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    157 | directory_services3                                           | directory_services3.png                                       | NULL        |
|    158 | tablet                                                        | tablet.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    159 | tablet2                                                       | tablet2.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    160 | voip2                                                         | voip2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    161 | laptop5                                                       | laptop5.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    162 | rack3                                                         | rack3.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    163 | rack4                                                         | rack4.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    164 | firewall_station                                              | firewall_station.png                                          | NULL        |
|    165 | antivirus                                                     | antivirus.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    166 | chat_server3                                                  | chat_server3.png                                              | NULL        |
|    167 | antivirus                                                     | antivirus.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    168 | accounting_server                                             | accounting_server.gif                                         | NULL        |
|    169 | atm                                                           | atm.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    170 | backup                                                        | backup.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    171 | backup2                                                       | backup2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    172 | blackbox                                                      | blackbox.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    173 | cable_modem                                                   | cable_modem.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    174 | cd_server                                                     | cd_server.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    175 | cd_server2                                                    | cd_server2.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    176 | chat_server                                                   | chat_server.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    177 | chat_server2                                                  | chat_server2.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    178 | chat_server3                                                  | chat_server3.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    179 | cluster                                                       | cluster.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    180 | cluster2                                                      | cluster2.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    181 | computer                                                      | computer.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    182 | computer2                                                     | computer2.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    183 | computer3                                                     | computer3.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    184 | computer4                                                     | computer4.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    185 | computer5                                                     | computer5.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    186 | computer6                                                     | computer6.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    187 | concentrator                                                  | concentrator.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    188 | data_server                                                   | data_server.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    189 | data_server2                                                  | data_server2.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    190 | dial-in                                                       | dial-in.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    191 | directory_services                                            | directory_services.gif                                        | NULL        |
|    192 | directory_services2                                           | directory_services2.gif                                       | NULL        |
|    193 | directory_services3                                           | directory_services3.gif                                       | NULL        |
|    194 | disable_server                                                | disable_server.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    195 | distributed_database                                          | distributed_database.gif                                      | NULL        |
|    196 | dmz_server                                                    | dmz_server.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    197 | document_server                                               | document_server.gif                                           | NULL        |
|    198 | download_server                                               | download_server.gif                                           | NULL        |
|    199 | dumbterminal                                                  | dumbterminal.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    200 | email_antivirus                                               | email_antivirus.gif                                           | NULL        |
|    201 | email_server                                                  | email_server.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    202 | email_server2                                                 | email_server2.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    203 | email_server3                                                 | email_server3.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    204 | enable_server                                                 | enable_server.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    205 | e-shop                                                        | e-shop.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    206 | e-shop2                                                       | e-shop2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    207 | hub                                                           | hub.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    208 | e-shop3                                                       | e-shop3.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    209 | firewall                                                      | firewall.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    210 | firewall2                                                     | firewall2.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    211 | firewall3                                                     | firewall3.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    212 | firewall_station                                              | firewall_station.gif                                          | NULL        |
|    213 | game_server                                                   | game_server.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    214 | game_server2                                                  | game_server2.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    215 | game_server3                                                  | game_server3.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    216 | game_server4                                                  | game_server4.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    217 | information_cluster                                           | information_cluster.gif                                       | NULL        |
|    218 | integrated_office_system                                      | integrated_office_system.gif                                  | NULL        |
|    219 | irc                                                           | irc.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    220 | laptop                                                        | laptop.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    221 | laptop2                                                       | laptop2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    222 | laptop3                                                       | laptop3.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    223 | laptop4                                                       | laptop4.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    224 | laptop5                                                       | laptop5.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    225 | loadbalancer                                                  | loadbalancer.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    226 | loadbalancer2                                                 | loadbalancer2.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    227 | modem                                                         | modem.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    228 | nas                                                           | nas.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    229 | modem2                                                        | modem2.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    230 | modem3                                                        | modem3.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    231 | modem4                                                        | modem4.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    232 | modem5                                                        | modem5.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    233 | modem6                                                        | modem6.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    234 | monitoring                                                    | monitoring.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    235 | multimedia                                                    | multimedia.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    236 | multimedia2                                                   | multimedia2.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    237 | multimedia3                                                   | multimedia3.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    238 | nas2                                                          | nas2.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    239 | nas3                                                          | nas3.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    240 | nas4                                                          | nas4.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    241 | nas_secured                                                   | nas_secured.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    242 | network_node                                                  | network_node.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    243 | news                                                          | news.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    244 | news2                                                         | news2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    245 | office_app_server                                             | office_app_server.gif                                         | NULL        |
|    246 | outlook_remote                                                | outlook_remote.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    247 | phone                                                         | phone.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    248 | phone2                                                        | phone2.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    249 | print_server                                                  | print_server.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    250 | printer                                                       | printer.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    251 | sql                                                           | sql.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    252 | printer2                                                      | printer2.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    253 | printer3                                                      | printer3.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    254 | proxy_server                                                  | proxy_server.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    255 | rack1                                                         | rack1.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    256 | rack2                                                         | rack2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    257 | rack3                                                         | rack3.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    258 | rack4                                                         | rack4.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    259 | radiolink                                                     | radiolink.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    260 | raid_cluster                                                  | raid_cluster.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    261 | raid_cluster2                                                 | raid_cluster2.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    262 | redundancy                                                    | redundancy.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    263 | redundancy2                                                   | redundancy2.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    264 | remote_desktop                                                | remote_desktop.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    265 | remote_desktop2                                               | remote_desktop2.gif                                           | NULL        |
|    266 | remote_installator                                            | remote_installator.gif                                        | NULL        |
|    267 | router                                                        | router.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    268 | satlink                                                       | satlink.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    269 | satlink2                                                      | satlink2.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    270 | satlink3                                                      | satlink3.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    271 | scanner                                                       | scanner.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    272 | screen                                                        | screen.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    273 | screen2                                                       | screen2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    274 | screen3                                                       | screen3.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    275 | screen4                                                       | screen4.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    276 | screen5                                                       | screen5.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    277 | search_server                                                 | search_server.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    278 | search_server2                                                | search_server2.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    279 | search_server3                                                | search_server3.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    280 | secure_server                                                 | secure_server.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    281 | security                                                      | security.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    282 | security2                                                     | security2.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    283 | server                                                        | server.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    284 | server2                                                       | server2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    285 | server3                                                       | server3.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    286 | server4                                                       | server4.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    287 | shoutcast                                                     | shoutcast.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    288 | shoutcast2                                                    | shoutcast2.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    289 | shoutcast3                                                    | shoutcast3.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    290 | soho                                                          | soho.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    291 | soho2                                                         | soho2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    292 | soho3                                                         | soho3.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    293 | soho4                                                         | soho4.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    294 | sql2                                                          | sql2.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    295 | sql3                                                          | sql3.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    296 | sql4                                                          | sql4.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    297 | storage                                                       | storage.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    298 | subnet                                                        | subnet.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    299 | switch                                                        | switch.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    300 | switch2                                                       | switch2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    301 | switch3                                                       | switch3.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    302 | tablet                                                        | tablet.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    303 | tablet2                                                       | tablet2.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    304 | time_server                                                   | time_server.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    305 | time_server2                                                  | time_server2.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    306 | time_server3                                                  | time_server3.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    307 | time_server4                                                  | time_server4.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    308 | time_server5                                                  | time_server5.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    309 | upload_server                                                 | upload_server.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    310 | video_server                                                  | video_server.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    311 | video_server2                                                 | video_server2.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    312 | video_server3                                                 | video_server3.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    313 | video_server4                                                 | video_server4.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    314 | voip                                                          | voip.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    315 | voip2                                                         | voip2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    316 | voip_client                                                   | voip_client.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    317 | voip_client2                                                  | voip_client2.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    318 | webmail                                                       | webmail.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    319 | webmail2                                                      | webmail2.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    320 | wifi                                                          | wifi.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    321 | wifi2                                                         | wifi2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    322 | wifi3                                                         | wifi3.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    323 | wifi4                                                         | wifi4.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    324 | wifi_bridge                                                   | wifi_bridge.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    325 | www_server                                                    | www_server.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    326 | 1                                                             | 1.png                                                         | NULL        |
|    327 | 2                                                             | 2.png                                                         | NULL        |
|    328 | 3                                                             | 3.png                                                         | NULL        |
|    329 | 4                                                             | 4.png                                                         | NULL        |
|    330 | 5                                                             | 5.png                                                         | NULL        |
|    331 | community                                                     | community.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    332 | crashed_node                                                  | crashed_node.png                                              | NULL        |
|    333 | exchange                                                      | exchange.png                                                  | NULL        |
|    334 | flow                                                          | flow.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    335 | globe                                                         | globe.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    336 | globe2                                                        | globe2.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    337 | globe3                                                        | globe3.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    338 | globe4                                                        | globe4.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    339 | happy_user                                                    | happy_user.png                                                | NULL        |
|    340 | heartbeat                                                     | heartbeat.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    341 | home                                                          | home.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    342 | home2                                                         | home2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    343 | hotspot                                                       | hotspot.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    344 | information                                                   | information.png                                               | NULL        |
|    345 | interconnect                                                  | interconnect.png                                              | NULL        |
|    346 | internet_route                                                | internet_route.png                                            | NULL        |
|    347 | intrusion                                                     | intrusion.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    348 | star                                                          | star.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    349 | scripting                                                     | scripting.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    350 | tag1                                                          | tag1.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    351 | tag2                                                          | tag2.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    352 | tag3                                                          | tag3.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    353 | tag4                                                          | tag4.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    354 | tokens                                                        | tokens.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    355 | uplink                                                        | uplink.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    356 | user                                                          | user.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    357 | user2                                                         | user2.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    358 | warning                                                       | warning.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    359 | warning2                                                      | warning2.png                                                  | NULL        |
|    360 | whirl                                                         | whirl.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    361 | trusted                                                       | trusted.png                                                   | NULL        |
|    362 | long_distance                                                 | long_distance.png                                             | NULL        |
|    363 | remote                                                        | remote.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    364 | untrusted                                                     | untrusted.png                                                 | NULL        |
|    365 | heartbeat2                                                    | heartbeat2.png                                                | NULL        |
|    366 | snag                                                          | snag.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    367 | utils                                                         | utils.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    368 | user3                                                         | user3.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    369 | community2                                                    | community2.png                                                | NULL        |
|    370 | node                                                          | node.png                                                      | NULL        |
|    371 | globe5                                                        | globe5.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    372 | slice                                                         | slice.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    373 | utils2                                                        | utils2.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    374 | internet_route2                                               | internet_route2.png                                           | NULL        |
|    375 | eye                                                           | eye.png                                                       | NULL        |
|    376 | burst                                                         | burst.png                                                     | NULL        |
|    377 | garbage_collection                                            | garbage_collection.png                                        | NULL        |
|    378 | utils3                                                        | utils3.png                                                    | NULL        |
|    379 | measurement                                                   | measurement.png                                               | NULL        |
|    380 | 1                                                             | 1.gif                                                         | NULL        |
|    381 | 2                                                             | 2.gif                                                         | NULL        |
|    382 | 3                                                             | 3.gif                                                         | NULL        |
|    383 | 4                                                             | 4.gif                                                         | NULL        |
|    384 | 5                                                             | 5.gif                                                         | NULL        |
|    385 | burst                                                         | burst.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    386 | community                                                     | community.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    387 | community2                                                    | community2.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    388 | crashed_node                                                  | crashed_node.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    389 | exchange                                                      | exchange.gif                                                  | NULL        |
|    390 | eye                                                           | eye.gif                                                       | NULL        |
|    391 | flow                                                          | flow.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    392 | garbage_collection                                            | garbage_collection.gif                                        | NULL        |
|    393 | globe                                                         | globe.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    394 | globe2                                                        | globe2.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    395 | globe3                                                        | globe3.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    396 | globe4                                                        | globe4.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    397 | globe5                                                        | globe5.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    398 | happy_user                                                    | happy_user.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    399 | heartbeat                                                     | heartbeat.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    400 | heartbeat2                                                    | heartbeat2.gif                                                | NULL        |
|    401 | home                                                          | home.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    402 | home2                                                         | home2.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    403 | hotspot                                                       | hotspot.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    404 | information                                                   | information.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    405 | interconnect                                                  | interconnect.gif                                              | NULL        |
|    406 | internet_route                                                | internet_route.gif                                            | NULL        |
|    407 | internet_route2                                               | internet_route2.gif                                           | NULL        |
|    408 | intrusion                                                     | intrusion.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    409 | long_distance                                                 | long_distance.gif                                             | NULL        |
|    410 | measurement                                                   | measurement.gif                                               | NULL        |
|    411 | node                                                          | node.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    412 | remote                                                        | remote.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    413 | scripting                                                     | scripting.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    414 | slice                                                         | slice.gif                                                     | NULL        |
|    415 | snag                                                          | snag.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    416 | star                                                          | star.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    417 | tag1                                                          | tag1.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    418 | tag2                                                          | tag2.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    419 | tag3                                                          | tag3.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    420 | tag4                                                          | tag4.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    421 | tokens                                                        | tokens.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    422 | trusted                                                       | trusted.gif                                                   | NULL        |
|    423 | untrusted                                                     | untrusted.gif                                                 | NULL        |
|    424 | uplink                                                        | uplink.gif                                                    | NULL        |
|    425 | user                                                          | user.gif                                                      | NULL        |
|    426 | user2                                    
Anasme commented 3 years ago

Hello, happy new year, any news on this trouble?