cepheidqq / FactorySkyline

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Crashed while copy/pasting building #74

Open Prinz-von-Oelen opened 1 year ago

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 1 year ago

Hi, When I copy a larger building part, the game crashes. I can see the copied part errected and when its done, the game freezes and crashes to desktop. I am not shure if FS is the problem or it occurs in union with my other mods:

and these 4 are there too, but not involved, as far as I see:

The building is a sole building with no connestion to other structures (execpt for a single land line). No vehicles, pumps or other moving things are there.

I paste the crash log below, maybe its pointing to something:

Version: 202470, IsEditor: No, IsPerforceBuild: No, BuildConfiguration: Shipping, Launcher: Epic, NetMode: Listen Server, IsUsingMods: Yes

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000228

FactoryGame_FactorySkyline_Win64Shipping!UFSSyncBuild::StepA() [c:\users\game\downloads\satisfactorymodloader-master\plugins\factoryskyline\source\factoryskyline\fsbuilder.cpp:634] FactoryGame_FactorySkyline_Win64Shipping!UFSSyncBuild::DoWork() [c:\users\game\downloads\satisfactorymodloader-master\plugins\factoryskyline\source\factoryskyline\fsbuilder.cpp:562] FactoryGame_FactorySkyline_Win64Shipping!AFSController::Tick() [c:\users\game\downloads\satisfactorymodloader-master\plugins\factoryskyline\source\factoryskyline\fscontroller.cpp:489] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!AActor::TickActor() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:1143] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FActorTickFunction::ExecuteTick() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\Actor.cpp:176] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickFunctionTask::DoTask() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:289] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!TGraphTask::ExecuteTask() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Async\TaskGraphInterfaces.h:891] FactoryGame_Core_Win64_Shipping!FNamedTaskThread::ProcessTasksUntilQuit() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:600] FactoryGame_Core_Win64_Shipping!FTaskGraphImplementation::WaitUntilTasksComplete() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Private\Async\TaskGraph.cpp:1525] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickTaskSequencer::ReleaseTickGroup() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:568] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!FTickTaskManager::RunTickGroup() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\TickTaskManager.cpp:1590] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UWorld::Tick() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\LevelTick.cpp:1463] FactoryGame_Engine_Win64_Shipping!UGameEngine::Tick() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\GameEngine.cpp:1802] FactoryGame_FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!UFGGameEngine::Tick() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Games\FactoryGame\Source\FactoryGame\Private\FGGameEngine.cpp:16] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!FEngineLoop::Tick() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\LaunchEngineLoop.cpp:4896] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMain() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Launch.cpp:169] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!GuardedMainWrapper() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:137] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!WinMain() [D:\ws\SB-220602145101-842\UE4\Engine\Source\Runtime\Launch\Private\Windows\LaunchWindows.cpp:268] FactoryGame_Win64_Shipping!__scrt_common_main_seh() [d:\agent_work\5\s\src\vctools\crt\vcstartup\src\startup\exe_common.inl:288] kernel32 ntdll

Slecht-valk commented 1 year ago

Looking at the code it looks like its crashing on the code I wrote for conveyor lift pass throughs, code wise that part is fairly new to the mod so there is likely some cases that aren't being properly accounted for. I would need more information though to be able to tell exactly what is going on and ideally a save file with the building that clearly marked somehow what is causing the issue so I can do investigation on what the exact issue is for these cases.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 1 year ago

THATS IT ! ! ! Thank you! I used pipe line pass throughs. If I delete them, everything works fine. If you still need the file, were do I upload it? The building in question is between the orange painted base tiles.

HighResScreenshot20221026-152629 Screenshot20221026-15293900000

Slecht-valk commented 1 year ago

Ah yes the pipeline pass throughs I believe at a quick glance at the current code base are unsupported, as much of the original operator code was written for u3 which means the logic isn't in place atm to support pipeline pass throughs unfortunately but it is on my list of what I need to add to the mod, as for sharing the save file, depending on the site there are many ways to do it. Such as free filing sharing sites such as https://easyupload.io, you can also for example upload files to google drive and only share the specific files also, etc. But I think I might have enough information to go on how with knowing it is the pipeline pass throughs that are causing the issue so that will get fixed in the future.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 1 year ago

Great! Thank you.

I am really glad you continued the mod. When it was discontinued at U4 (or so) I stopped playing and came back when I saw that you reuploaded a working version.

Thanks alot, take your time =)

Slecht-valk commented 1 year ago

As it turns out conveyor lift floor holes and pipe floor holes are both types of buildable passthroughs and my code I wrote didn't take into account that multi different kinds of buildables can share the same type in these cases, in this case the passthrough type is both they share, so it was trying to execute logic that was for the floor hole lifts in this case, hence leading to the crash. I have fixed the issue in my internal build and now the pipe floor holes should build correctly in the next patch which I hope to have out soon.

Prinz-von-Oelen commented 1 year ago

Great news! Thank you - looking forward for the patch =)