Data records need to be citeable. This means that:
any Literature record that has a DOI in the references (references.reference.dois field) needs to have the matcher infer the data record ref in the corresponding field (references.record.$ref)
data records need to have citation_count and citation_count_without_self_citations fields that are correctly computed based on citations and citations without self-citations as for literature
refersto:recid:12345 search in literature should give all papers citing the record with recid 12345 also if it's a data record
Data records need to be citeable. This means that:
field) needs to have the matcher infer the data record ref in the corresponding field (references.record.$ref
fields that are correctly computed based on citations and citations without self-citations as for literaturerefersto:recid:12345
search in literature should give all papers citing the record with recid 12345 also if it's a data record