cernbox / smashbox

main test suite
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OCSResponseError 102 - OCS error: 102 #64

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago


Smashbox Test System

oc_account_password <- random password
oc_server <- IP address
oc_root <- subfolder
oc_ssl_enabled <- SSL is used
oc_sync_cmd <- adjusted path to owncloudcmd
oc_admin_user <- admin user
oc_admin_password <- admin password (working)

Owncloud System

SUMMARY:smash.:runid: 160519-145854
SUMMARY:smash.:URL: https://smashbox:***@ [adress of owncloud server]/owncloud/remote.php/webdav/
SUMMARY:smash.:Running iteration 1
SUMMARY:smash.:running lib/ in /home/test/smashbox/test_basicSync as smashbox default
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): [adress of owncloud server]
/home/test/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
/home/test/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
INFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): [adress of owncloud server]
/home/test/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
/home/test/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/requests/packages/urllib3/ InsecureRequestWarning: Unverified HTTPS request is being made. Adding certificate verification is strongly advised. See:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "python/smashbox/", line 309, in <module>
  File "python/smashbox/", line 188, in run
  File "/home/test/smashbox/python/smashbox/utilities/", line 68, in setup_test
  File "/home/test/smashbox/python/smashbox/utilities/", line 111, in reset_owncloud_account
    create_owncloud_account(config.oc_account_name, config.oc_account_password)
  File "/home/test/smashbox/python/smashbox/utilities/", line 185, in create_owncloud_account
    oc_api.create_user(username, password)
  File "/home/test/smashbox/src/pyocclient/owncloud/", line 946, in create_user
    self.__check_ocs_status(tree, [100])
  File "/home/test/smashbox/src/pyocclient/owncloud/", line 1589, in __check_ocs_status
    raise OCSResponseError(r)
owncloud.owncloud.OCSResponseError: OCS error: 102
SUMMARY:smash.:Elapsed time: 2s (0:00:02.522678)
CRITICAL:smash.:Aborting run -- non-zero exit code (1)

Maybe somebody can give me a hint or know this problem? This will be great! Another question: Will smashbox work on FreeBSD? I got a working configuration with Ubuntu Owncloud server, but not with a FreeBSD server.

nickvergessen commented 8 years ago

Mostlikely you didn't enable the provisioning api app. I already created a PR to check for that a long time ago, but it's still waiting:

ghost commented 8 years ago

@nickvergessen Found it - provisioning api app was and is enabled.

nickvergessen commented 8 years ago

Okay had a look again 102 means User already exists. Did you set oc_account_reset_procedure = "delete" in your smashbox.conf?

ghost commented 8 years ago

@nickvergessen Yes, I used the example config with several modifications.

# this is the top directory where all local working files are kept (test working direcotires, test logs, test data, temporary filesets, ..)
smashdir = "~/smashbox"

# name of the account used for testing
# if None then account name is chosen automatically (based on the test name)

# default number of users for tests involving multiple users (user number is appended to the oc_account_name)
# this only applies to the tests involving multiple users

# name of the group used for testing

# default number of groups for tests involving multiple groups (group number is appended to the oc_group_name)
# this only applies to the tests involving multiple groups

# password for test accounts: all test account will have the same password
# if not set then it's an error

# owncloud test server
# if left blank or "localhost" then the real hostname of the localhost will be set
oc_server = 'ip-adress of server'

# root of the owncloud installation as visible in the URL
oc_root = 'owncloud'

# webdav endpoint URI within the oc_server
import os.path
oc_webdav_endpoint = os.path.join(oc_root,'remote.php/webdav') # standard owncloud server

# target folder on the server (this may not be compatible with all tests)
oc_server_folder = ''

# should we use protocols with SSL (https, ownclouds)
oc_ssl_enabled = True

# how to invoke shell commands on the server
# for localhost there is no problem - leave it blank
# for remote host it may be set like this: "ssh -t -l root $oc_server"
# note: configure ssh for passwordless login
# note: -t option is to make it possible to run sudo
oc_server_shell_cmd = "ssh -t -l root $oc_server"

# Data directory on the owncloud server.
oc_server_datadirectory = os.path.join('/usr/local/www/owncloud/data')

# a path to server side tools (create_user.php, ...)
# it may be specified as relative path "dir" and then resolves to
# <smashbox>/dir where <smashbox> is the top-level of of the tree
# containing THIS configuration file

oc_server_tools_path = "server-tools"

# a path to ocsync command with options
# this path should work for all client hosts
# it may be specified as relative path "dir" and then resolves to
# <smashbox>/dir where <smashbox> is the top-level of of the tree
# containing THIS configuration file
#oc_sync_cmd = "client/build/mirall/bin/owncloudcmd --trust"
oc_sync_cmd = "/usr/bin/owncloudcmd --trust" [note: path to the owncloudcmd]

# number of times to repeat ocsync run every time
oc_sync_repeat = 1


# unique identifier of your test run
# if None then the runid is chosen automatically (and stored in this variable)
runid = None

# if True then the local working directory path will have the runid added to it automatically

# if True then the runid will be part of the oc_account_name automatically


# this defines the default account cleanup procedure
#   - "delete": delete account if exists and then create a new account with the same name
#   - "keep": don't delete existing account but create one if needed
# these are not implemeted yet:
#   - "sync_delete": delete all files via a sync run
#   - "webdav_delete": delete all files via webdav DELETE request
#   - "filesystem_delete": delete all files directly on the server's filesystem
oc_account_reset_procedure = "delete"

# this defined the default local run directory reset procedure
#   - "delete": delete everything in the local run directory prior to running the test
#   - "keep": keep all files (from the previous run)
rundir_reset_procedure = "delete"

#web_user = "www-data"
web_user = "www"

oc_admin_user = "admin_user"
oc_admin_password = "admin_password"

# cleanup imported namespaces
del os

# Verbosity of curl client.
# If none then verbosity is on when smashbox run in --debug mode.
# set it to True or False to override
pycurl_verbose = True

# scp port to be used in scp commands, used primarily when copying over the server log file
scp_port = 22

# user that can r+w the owncloud.log file (needs to be configured for passwordless login)
#oc_server_log_user = "www-data"
oc_server_log_user = "www" [note: www because of the www user in FreeBSD, www-data is used in ubuntu or linux)

# Reset the server log file and verify that no exceptions and other known errors have been logged
oc_check_server_log = False

Maybe this helps...